
Discipleship in the Off-Season

Discipleship in the Off-Season

by Mikya Wright, Children Ministry Apprentice

What a great end to the trimester! In the kids programs we had a lot of exciting things going on throughout the whole trimester. We always had solid attendance and amazing classes where the kids learned a lot. Along with the normal programs, we also had different projects to support the Refugee Resettlement team and families, like a Penny War Fundraiser and a Hygiene Supplies Drive. The kids were super hyped to be involved in supporting our community in a fun way!

Now that the trimester is over, we are in our Discipleship Season! It is always such a fun and meaningful time to develop relationships with the kids/teens here. Since there isn’t a formal program time to see the kids, this gives us the opportunity to support them in different ways! Recently this has looked like attending sporting events that the kids participate in. Cheering on the kids and being there for them makes such an impact and means a lot to them! Another way that means a lot is scheduling an informal hangout with them. I love taking the girls out for coffee and catching up on what’s going on in their lives. Not only is it fun for the kids when we go to different events or schedule a hangout, but it is so fun for us!

If you are a current volunteer or are looking to get involved, I urge you to make these connections! The kids and teens look up to the adults that lead them, and making an effort to see them in the offseason makes them feel important! Having a good role model can change the course of a kid's life, and being a part of that change is so valuable. Making disciples is one of the key aspects of all of our kid’s and teen’s programs and I pray that anyone who feels that calling will reach out!


Join our team of volunteers for the summer trimester and be part of "loving people from all places." Attend our volunteer orientation on May 18th, 2024 and find your place serving kids, youth, or adults in the immigrant community in KCK

For more information about volunteer opportunities visit: https://www.missionadelante.org/orientation

Be part of our programs!

We are so excited for everything that is happening in our programs and we are grateful for all our volunteers who make everything possible. Would you consider partnering with us next trimester?

How can you help?

  • Pray for our program participants would create an impact in our community and grow with their walk with the Lord.

  • Volunteer – Come to our volunteer Orientation. For more information visit: http://www.missionadelante.org/serve

  • Donate to join us in building a multicultural community of disciples making disciples.

Looking Back

Looking Back…

by Mikya Wright, Ministry Apprentice

As the Children’s Ministry Apprentice, this is my first experience leading programs at Mission Adelante! I have always either attended the programs or helped in some capacity, but I have never been in charge of a program.

I am learning so much and having so much fun! I am in charge of our Monday night program - Arts Community, and Arts Camp that was this past month. Being in charge can be a daunting task, but I am so grateful for the people and mentors around me that help me and push me to be better. My supervisor, Carla, has been absolutely amazing; she is the best!! She makes sure that I never feel alone and that I am comfortable with the tasks at hand. None of the programs would be possible without our amazing volunteers! Their willingness to serve and love the kids is something I admire and strive for as well. At the end of the day, what is most important is that the kids feel loved. It doesn’t matter if class didn’t go as planned or there are technical difficulties. What matters is that the kids go home knowing that they are loved by an amazing God and that they are worthy.

I started attending Mission Adelante programs when I was in elementary school. So I know first hand what an impact Mission Adelante has on our community. I would not be the person I am today without the people I have met here! That is why I am so passionate about Mission Adelante and my role here. I remember looking up to the volunteers and staff when I was little and how important they were, and still are, to me. I still keep in touch with many of my mentors from the youth and teen programs. I want to be that to the kids and teens that attend the programs now, and love them how Jesus loves us!

Be part of our programs!

 We are so excited to start our fall programs and we are grateful for all our volunteers who make everything possible. Would you consider partnering with us this trimester?

How can you help?

  • Pray for our program participants would create an impact in our community and grow with their walk with the Lord.

  • Volunteer – Come to our volunteer Orientation. For more information visit: http://www.missionadelante.org/serve

  • Donate to join us in building a multicultural community of disciples making disciples.

Becoming Found Together

By Drew Hammond, Bhutanese Ministry Logistics Coordinator

“They were continually devoting themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread, and to prayer. Everyone kept feeling a sense of awe; and many wonders and signs were taking place through the apostles. And all those who had believed were together and had all things in common; and they began selling their possessions and property and were sharing with all, as anyone might have need. Day by day continuing with one mind in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, they were taking their meals together with gladness and sincerity of heart, praising God and having favor with all the people. And the Lord was adding to their number day by day those who were being saved.”

Acts 2:42-47 is a great passage. It is one of the first accounts of people gathering together after Jesus was resurrected and ascended to be with the Father.  It’s passages like these that gives inspiration for our vision at Mission Adelante. “We envision a growing multicultural community of disciples making disciples, where immigrants and others are thriving and using our gifts together to transform our neighborhood and the world for the glory of Jesus Christ.” That statement can be played out in a number of ways, through our various programs. For the Bhutanese Teens Ministry, it looks like what happened last night with the launch of our new trimester.

We gathered in the home of one of our staff members with a team of volunteers and invited a group of 6 Bhutanese students to come and meet with us. These students all come from a Hindu or Buddhist background, and are people with whom we have been sharing life. They have all voiced interest in learning more about Jesus and how to follow Him as Lord. In response to their persistent interest, we gathered them together to mimic what we see in Acts 2:42-47, and to become a spiritual family, devoting ourselves to Jesus.

To start off, we spent some time getting to know each other and shedding tears brought on by the spicy Nepali snack we were enjoying. We moved into a time of worship, singing in both Nepali and English.  The teaching time was focused on two passages: Genesis 3:9 and Acts 2:42-47. The focus of Genesis 3:9 was to draw out what it means for us as individuals to be people who choose to be found by God, through the work of Jesus, as He calls for all of us. Then we brought it together by reading Acts as our statement of how we do that together, become a spiritual family. We ended by sharing prayer needs and praises and by praying for those things, some in Nepali and some in English.

Even on our first time bringing this group of people together, we had a sense of awe. Will you pray with us? Pray that many signs and wonders would take place in our lives. Pray for vision and clarity around who needs to be added to this group of people. And especially pray that we would increasingly become of one mind as we worship Jesus as Lord, and learn what it means to follow Him together.

In other news:

  • Both our Latino Leaders in Training (LIT) program and our Bhutanese Leaders in Training (LIT) program launched this week, with 12 and 18 students, respectively! They're energetic and ready for a new year of learning and growing together. We are super excited to spend this school year pouring into these kids and their families.
  • The Bhutanese outreach had a great trimester launch on Tuesday night!  Many kids and English students were present, and it went smoothly. The Latino outreach launches tonight. Please pray for the ways God wants to work during this new trimester.
  • Five community members shared their stories at our volunteer training on Saturday.  Our immigrant community has taken more ownership in training incoming volunteers in the last year.
  • Gary Pauley has officially begun working part-time at Mission Adelante overseeing our Latino ESL program as he continues to raise funds to come on full time as our Latino Ministries Director.  We’re excited to have Gary on board!
  • Some of our staff members, volunteers, and participants were able to enjoy interesting experiences last week! Twenty five students and volunteers from Bhutanese English class went to a Royals game together. It was a first for many of them, and a great way to connect relationally outside of class. Additionally, a group of 15 Bhutanese teens and volunteers went to see The Blue Man Group at Starlight Theater. They had a lot of fun dancing and laughing!

Prayer needs:

  • Please pray for the recovery of several staff members who are ill with the respiratory virus that is going around.
  • Please pray for new students and volunteers to make significant relational connections over the next few weeks.
  • Please pray for the last steps in our lease negotiations for a site for Adelante Thrift.
  • Please pray for our our High School students that are beginning their Senior year. Senior year is a crucial and busy time for students and many of them have expressed feeling overwhelmed already with homework and preparations for graduation and beyond.

Current needs:

  • Bhutanese LIT still needs----- mentors to help with homework and enrichment activities on THURSDAY afternoons from 4:00-6:30.  Please contact Kristen Maxwell if you are interested in helping out at kristenm@missionadelante.org.

Important Dates:

  • September 24: No Latino LIT

What Have the Summer Interns Been Up To?

By Edgar Soriano, Ministry Intern

This has been a great summer! Our second internship for teens from our own neighborhood has been an amazing experience for each of them. They have done so many things that have helped them grow closer to God. 

They've gotten the chance to see the other side of ministry and have loved and enjoyed doing it.

The first month of the internship was filled with kids camps, where they played with the kids and helped lead small groups.

They've also been focused on discipling other teens from our community by living life and sharing Jesus with them. They organize social activities for the teens like playing soccer, going to a movie, going bowling, and other fun things that help them share life. We are getting close to the end of the internship but the interns are better then ever.  

We are so proud of them for the great leaders they're becoming.

They have learned and grown so much this year, and we and hope to see all of them back next year.

Current Needs:

  • Leaders in Training, our after-school leadership development and tutoring program, is getting excited about technology!  We are currently looking for tablets that are in new, or very good condition to be used for learning activities during the 2014-2015 school year. If you have one you would like to donate please contact Kristen Maxwell at kristenm@missionadelante.org or Megan McDermott at meganm@missionadelante.org.
  • Looking for a fun way to make a big impact in the fall? Want to pour into the future leaders of our community?   Our relational and fun after-school tutoring and character development program, Leaders in Training, is currently looking for volunteers.  Contact Megan at meganm@missionadelante.org if you are interested!
  • We are rehabbing the house next door to our building, and are in need of residential appliances in good working order.  Please contact Sarah at sarahw@missionadelante.org if you would like to donate an electric range/oven, dishwasher, washer, or electric dryer.

Important Dates:

  • Bhutanese Summer Party--Saturday, August 9 at 4:00 at Wyandotte County Lake Park, 91st and Leavenworth Road, Kansas City, KS 66109. After entering the park you'll come to a fork in the road; go left and continue to Shelter #6. Please bring a dish to share and stay for the awards and cultural presentation!
  • Latino Summer Party--Sunday, August 10 at 5:00 at Wyandotte County Lake Park, 91st and Leavenworth Road, Kansas City, KS 66109. After entering the park you'll come to a fork in the road; go left and continue to Shelters #8 &10. Please note, these are different shelters than the large shelter where the party has been held in previous years. Dress casually and bring a dish to share, lawn chairs and/or a picnic blanket.

A Soccer Ball and an Emerging Leader

Written by Michael Pollock, Teens Adelante volunteer

At the end of September, the Mission Adelante staff, a few volunteers including me, and five neighborhood teens traveled to Minneapolis for the annual CCDA (Christian Community Development Association) National Conference.  There was a lot of great teaching and training in the plenary sessions, workshops, and luncheons.  However, it began to feel like an information overload, so we enjoyed the scheduled (and a few unscheduled) breaks from time to time.  

During a break, Johnny (one of the teens) and I went out to explore downtown Minneapolis.  

Johnny was in search of some postcards featuring Minneapolis to show his family and friends where he had been. I was bent of buying a soccer ball, because,

in an unprecedented lapse of judgement, none of the teens had brought one on the trip!

After we found the items we were looking for, we were faced with a challenge: where, in a dense downtown urban area, do you find a large enough space

to kick around a soccer ball?  The nearest field that I saw on Google maps was a good 25 minute walk away, but just then Johnny suggested playing in an alley less than a block from our hotel.  So there in the middle of a big city, on a beautiful day, during an intense conference, Johnny and I kicked the ball off the walls of the buildings lining a dirty alley.  Normally scuffing up a brand new ball on brick walls and splashing it in dirty puddles isn’t ideal, but in this case it was perfect.

The time we spent together not only helped me improve my ball handling skills, but Johnny and I deepened our friendship.  In one of the workshops that I attended at CCDA, I learned that this type of relationship is the kind that can lead to the emergence of leaders from our neighborhood (one of Mission Adelante's core values.)  Another stage in the development of leaders, according to the workshop, is “turning spiritual corners” (see, I did learn something!)  Johnny had shown interest since he started coming to Teens Adelante, and we've detected ongoing spiritual growth in him, but since CCDA I have noticed a heightened desire in him to deepen his relationship with Christ particularly through the Word.  Just last week at Teens Adelante, he expressed a desire for a devotional that would help him get into the Word more!

I feel so blessed to know Johnny and the rest of the 

Teens Adelante

teens, and God has been showing me more and more what it means to share my life with them.  One of the first speakers at the CCDA conference emphasized how our stories are the method by which we enlarge the kingdom of God, and by God’s providence the first day I was back from the conference I read a verse that confirmed that:

“And they have conquered him by the blood of the Lamb and by

the word of their testimony

, for they loved not their lives even unto death.” Rev. 12:11 [ESV] (emphasis added).

In other news:

  • Girls from Teens Adelante have started a Bible study on Thursdays and prayed last week that teens will come “because they want to know Jesus, not because someone is making them.”
  • The Bhutanese and Latino Leaders in Training took an enrichment trip to Deanna Rose yesterday. As they're getting to know one another and learning more about one another's cultures their friendships are growing. The Bhutanese kids were especially excited to see the goats, an animal that is commonplace in Nepal, but that they haven't seen since moving to the U.S.

Prayer needs:

  • Halloween night falls on Wednesday next week--Teens Adelante night. Please pray for wisdom, discernment, faith, and that the Lord’s will be done that night at the home of the Coons!

Current needs:

  • We are in need of cold-weather clothing for the whole family to stock our resource center.  The resource center is also low on household items such as pots and pans, dishes and cups, small and large appliances, etcetera.  Please contact Molly Merrick at mollym@missionadelante.org  to set up a time to drop-off your donation.  Please help us out by not leaving donations inside or outside our facility.  Thanks!
  • Bibles for Teens Adelante youth. Please contact Brooke at brookec@missionadelante.org for more details if you would like to contribute.
  • Kids Club, our Bhutanese kids' outreach, is growing in number and growing up.  Many of our kids have outgrown the games in our game cabinet.  We are in need of board games suitable for 4th-6th graders!  Some ideas include Blokus, Battleship, Simon, Perfection, and Jenga. Please contact Kristen at kristenm@missionadelante.org.

Important dates:

  • Saturday, November 17, 3-6:30 p.m.: Mission Adelante Staff House Parties
    • Jarrett & Kristen Meek, Molly Merrick: 251 N. 15th Street
    • Jason & Megan Schoff, Megan McDermott: 410 N. 15th Street
    • David & Brooke Coon: 245 N. 17th Street
    • David & Holly Stetler, Drew Hammond: 438 N. 17th Street
    • Drew & Lauren Timberlake, Kristen Maxwell: 706 N. 17th Street
    • Garett & Jenny Dunn, Hannah Hume: 335 N. 15th Street
      All homes are in Kansas City, KS 66102.  RSVP is not necessary.
          • Wednesday, November 21-Saturday, November 24: Fall Break Mission Adelante office closed.  No programs Tuesday, November 20-Saturday, November 24.