Give to Mission Adelante
“He has shown you, Oh man, what is good and what the Lord requires of you— to do justly, to Love Mercy, and to walk humbly with your God.” — Micah 6:8
We Are Stronger Together
We know that you and many people are concerned about how they can make a difference to care for the refugee and immigrant community in Kansas City. By becoming a monthly partner, your support provides a place for students to grow as leaders, kids to learn about Jesus, and adults to receive services to find jobs. We are inviting 50 people to begin giving at $100/month to strengthen our work. Would you consider becoming one of these partners?
Give Online
Online giving is fast, easy and secure. With this option you can set up recurring contributions or one-time gifts using your credit or debit card and you can choose a designation for your contributions from the drop-down menu. Visit the link below to contribute through our secure online giving form.
Give by Check
Mailing in physical checks or setting up recurring contributions through your own bank's online bill pay service is a great way to give! This option is the most cost-effective for Mission Adelante, as there are no processing fees associated with it. You may give to our General Fund or visit the link below for instructions on designating your gift.
Send Checks To:
Mission Adelante
PO Box 172076
Kansas City, KS 66117
Give Stuff
If you would like to purchase and donate specific items from Mission Adelante's wish list, please visit our Amazon Wish List. Please consider logging in to Amazon Smile and selecting Mission Adelante as your charitable organization. The AmazonSmile Foundation will then donate 0.5% of the purchase price from your eligible AmazonSmile purchases to Mission Adelante.
If you have other items you'd like to donate, such as clothing, furniture, or other household items, we would love to receive them through our thrift store.
GIVE Stock
Giving appreciated stock or mutual funds to Mission Adelante through The Signatry is a great way to give more and pay less tax without tapping into personal cashflow. You may contribute stock or mutual funds to Mission Adelante's giving fund using the information and transfer form below.
The Signatry Giving Fund Number: 424824
The Signatry Giving Fund Name: The Mission Adelante Foundation Fund
Vehicles make great donations! If you have one you'd like to donate, please fill out this brief form to give us a little information about it. We will either liquidate it and use the funds for the ministry, or we'll pass it along to someone in our community who needs transportation. Either way we'll make it easy for you!
Mission Adelante, Inc. is recognized by the IRS as a 501(C)(3) organization, which means that your gifts are tax-deductible to the full extent permitted by law. In accordance with IRS standards for exempt organizations, Mission Adelante, Inc. maintains sole discretion and control over the use of all funds, according to its exempt mission and purposes.