Partnering with Mission Adelante
Mission Adelante believes partnership should be built on reciprocal relationships. We are passionate about creating a new “we” that engages partners from across the city and region, together with our own community, in “loving people from all places.” Below are several ways that your organization can support and learn from Mission Adelante.
Supporting Mission Adelante
Ongoing Volunteer Opportunities
Mission Adelante has a relational philosophy of ministry, which means that most of our volunteer opportunties require a weekly commitment over a 12-week trimester. Volunteers serve and build relationships with kids, youth, or adults from our community.
There are also groups serving opportunities in our Adelante Thrift store for a one day commitment.
Thrift Donation Drives
Adelante Thrift needs quality donated items, and our partners can help by hosting donation drives. Our team can work with you to schedule and organize a donation drive at your church, business, or neighborhood. We can orient you on how to sort on-site and then provide a truck to pick up items when your drive is over. Generally, the best months for drives are January through September. To schedule at drive, contact
Financial support
Mission Adelante needs your financial support! We are intentional and passionate about making disciples, equipping leaders from our community and building up our neighborhood. Our staff is composed largely of immigrants, some of whom grew up in our ministry. Investment in our ministry is an investment in a vibrant mission field in your own backyard! To discuss giving, you may contact our Partner Engagement Director at
Learning from Mission Adelante
To arrange a learning opportunity with Mission Adelante, please contact us at
Workshops- The staff of Mission Adelante is available to present workshops on relevant topics. These can be done at Mission Adelante or onsite at your facility.
The Immigrant Experience: Learn about how immigrants experience America.
Heroes from All Places: Explore the impact of immigrants on our community.
Immigration 101: Learn about the basics of our immigration system.
Immigration Solutions: Explore ideas and proposals for immigration reform.
Sermons- Jarrett Meek, our Pastor and Executive Director, has developed a few sermons on topics related to our mission and ministry context.
Loving People from All Places: Greatest Commandments and loving immigrants.
Simple Faith: Doing justly, loving mercy, walking humbly in complicated times.
Overlooked: How Jesus made heroes of marginalized people.
Coaching and Consulting: Jarrett Meek, our Pastor and Executive Director is available to partners to provide coaching or consulting on a few relevant topics.
Building Diverse Teams
Effective Advocacy
Board Development
Starting a Non-profit Thrift Store
Partner Communication
Mission Adelante strives to provide great communication for our partners. Our weekly Adelante Engage email for partners gives you “forward-ready” announcements and updates to pass along to your own community to help get them involved! Sign up for the Adelante Engage below!