Year One of Refugee Resettlement - Celebration and Uncertainty
Year One of Refugee Resettlement - Celebration and Uncertainty
by Veronica Garcia, Refugee Education Director
What a year 2024 has been! When we began refugee resettlement back in January 2024, I could not have imagined where we would be today. As I write this, my heart is full of gratitude, though I also carry a strange sense of grief.
Let me take you back through the journey of 2024. Our first family arrived at the end of January. This couple holds a special place in my heart as our inaugural arrival, and they showed us so much grace as we navigated the complexities of the resettlement process for the first time.
Throughout the year, I’ve had the privilege of meeting families from South Sudan, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Venezuela, Guatemala, Colombia, Eritrea, and Burma. The friendships I’ve formed are invaluable. Being a "Teacher" in their lives has been an incredible opportunity to guide their language journeys and witness their growth from knowing little to no English to confidently introducing themselves in new scenarios—even outside of Mission Adelante.
Our Resettlement team has grown too. Initially, it was just Kristen and me, balancing my transition from the Ministry team. Now, we’re a team of nine. Welcoming families and supporting them through their first year here has drawn us closer, not just as teammates but as friends—almost like family. We’ve spent late nights together awaiting arrivals, set up countless apartments, prayed for families, shared meals, and worked tirelessly to welcome as many people as possible before the end of February.
As January comes to a close, the future of 2025 feels uncertain. Once we reach our allotted number of arrivals, what happens next is unclear. Most families should arrive by February, but it’s heartbreaking to hear our families ask about loved ones still waiting to come to the U.S. It’s even harder to admit that we know as little as they do. Life feels uncertain for them and for us, but we are doing everything we can to move forward.
I wish I could neatly wrap up our first year and say it was everything we dreamed of—and the majority of it was. But the journey is far from over. Please pray for us and the ministry team as we continue this important work for as long as we can.
We’re also in need of volunteers for all our ministry programs and refugee needs. If you feel a nudge to help, we would love to have you! I’m especially looking for English language partners to serve on Tuesday and/or Thursday mornings from 10 a.m. to noon. If you or someone you know is interested, please reach out to me at
Thank you for walking with us through this last year. Your support means the world.
Be part of our programs!
We are so excited for everything that is happening in our programs and we are grateful for all our volunteers who make everything possible. Would you consider partnering with us next trimester?
How can you help?
Pray for our program participants would create an impact in our community and grow with their walk with the Lord.
Volunteer – Come to our Observation Nights. For more information visit:
Donate to join us in building a multicultural community of disciples making disciples.