Jesus — adelante express — mission adelante


This is Our Time

This is Our Time

by Jarrett Meek, Founder/Pastor/Executive Director

Mission Adelante, like the rest of the world, is digesting the results of the U.S. presidential election.  Given our experiences during the previous Trump presidency and the rhetoric and policy statements that have been made regarding immigrants and refugees during the recent campaign, we are anticipating a challenging season for our community and a disruption in the government programs for refugee resettlement and support.  

Nevertheless, Mission Adelante is resolute in our commitment to serve the immigrant and refugee communities in Kansas City.  We have been swimming against the cultural current for 19 years and we have been forged in the fire of unfavorable political policies and harsh public rhetoric for much of our history as a ministry.  And yet, our passion for “loving people from all places” grows only stronger when those we are called to serve are marginalized.  The ears of our hearts become even more attentive when we hear Jesus say, “I was a stranger and you welcomed me”.  Mission Adelante exists, in part, to stand in the gap for vulnerable people whose worth others may not recognize.

We are not alone in our conviction and commitment to compassionate action.  We have seen churches, schools, businesses, organizations, and individuals throughout the metro area and the region rise to the occasion and join us in serving, sharing life, and sharing Jesus with our neighbors from all places.  When our resilient and courageous community of immigrants and refugees is joined by Americans who are serious about “loving our neighbor as ourselves”, a powerful “new we” emerges that challenges the “us vs. them” narrative. 

Friends, this is our time.  And when I say “our time”, I mean a collective “OUR” that includes YOU.  This is our collective time to shine and we need YOU to be part of the WE.  Over the coming weeks, we will be rolling out some new and timely ways for you to engage.  Please stay tuned!  Whether through praying, serving, or giving, we invite you to join us in loving people from all places.

Be part of our programs!

We are so excited for everything that is happening in our programs and we are grateful for all our volunteers who make everything possible. Would you consider partnering with us next trimester?

How can you help?

  • Pray for our program participants would create an impact in our community and grow with their walk with the Lord.

  • Volunteer – For more information visit:

  • Donate to join us in building a multicultural community of disciples making disciples.

Year 19: Crazy Growth!

Year 19: Crazy Growth!

by Jarrett Meek, Founder/Pastor/Executive Director

There have been many exciting seasons at Mission Adelante since our launch in 2005. The initial launch phase was a thrilling adventure, engaging new volunteers, connecting with neighbors, and developing brand new ministry programs.  Five years later, we were exploring a ministry to Bhutanese-Nepali refugees and expanding our impact.  In 2015, we launched Adelante Thrift, a major milestone in sustainable entrepreneurship. This year, 2024, is another year of unprecedented growth and new endeavors at Mission Adelante.

Refugee Resettlement: It’s safe to say, we didn’t really know what we were getting ourselves into when we said,”yes” to resettling refugees, but secretly, we had a hunch it would exceed our expectations.  Indeed, the refugee resettlement journey has been an exhilarating challenge that has doubled the size of our ministry impact!  As we approach the end of September, we will have received 103 individuals, orienting them, housing them, getting them medical care, enrolling the kids in schools, and caring for their critical needs during their first months in the the U.S.  Our Refugee Services staff has grown from 1.5 to seven team members, we’ve engaged over 50 new volunteers, and our overall budget has nearly doubled.  The real noteworthy part of this is that we’ve accomplished these impossible feats, building the team, creating the systems, and doing the work, in the first nine months of the year!

Core Ministry Programs: Our core Ministry Programs have seen more qualitative growth through 2024 than growth in numbers.  Leadership development through our kids and youth ministries has produced a crop of youth interns and an a couple of young adult apprentices who demonstrate the kind of gifts and character that we dream about seeing in our young people.

Transitions: A few weeks ago, our staff team got away for a day for a staff retreat.  As we were sitting around the room sharing about our Gallup Strengths Finder results, I was keenly aware that our team has many new faces.  In addition to adding a whole new refugee services team, another part of this year’s craziness has been transitions other in key roles.  From Michelle Simbaqueva and Rachel Yeargin joining our team in important operations roles, Yanelis López switching out of her Associate Director role to serve on our Refugee Team, and more recently, Luis Magaña’s transition, in a lot of ways, our team is being re-built for our exciting future. 

Construction: In January we acquired the commercial building adjacent our main property.  Early in the year we worked hard with architects and engineers to put together an awesome plan for our new refugee welcome center, which will house staff offices, classrooms, and storage space for our refugee services ministry.  After submitting our plans to the city, we’ve been in a long holding pattern as we’ve awaited the proper permits to begin our work.  In the meantime, we’ve hired Tate Williams’ CoBuild, Inc, as our General Contractor, and we’re preparing to launch another fundraising campaign to raise $550,000 for this project.    

In short, 2024 has been a year of exhilarating growth and all the challenges that come with big, new endeavors. As we look toward the last quarter of the year and forward to our 20th Anniversary next year, we invite you to pray with us for God’s favor, His energy, and His guidance to walk faithfully in the opportunities He is laying before us.

Be part of our programs!

We are so excited for everything that is happening in our programs and we are grateful for all our volunteers who make everything possible. Would you consider partnering with us next trimester?

How can you help?

  • Pray for our program participants would create an impact in our community and grow with their walk with the Lord.

  • Volunteer – Come to our Observation Nights. For more information visit:

  • Donate to join us in building a multicultural community of disciples making disciples.

Catch a Ride on the Whirlwind!

Catch a Ride on the Whirlwind

by Jarrett Meek, Founder/Pastor/Executive Director

The year 2024 has begun with a spinning, whirling, blizzard of blessings at Mission Adelante. “Spinning and whirling”, because it has been CRAZY. “Blizzard”, because it has been blinding (and because of the alliteration, which I happen to love). “Blessings”, because there’s no other way to describe the joyful new things the Lord is doing at Mission Adelante.

As 2023 came to a close, we were praying and working on raising $500,000 for the purchase of the adjacent commercial building and a residential house which would serve as our Refugee welcome center. It had all come together surprisingly quickly, as we learned about the opportunity to purchase those properties during the first week of October. It would be a Providential moment in our newest project- the launch of a Refugee Resettlement program at Mission Adelante. Donors from far and wide stepped forward- church partners, business partners, generous individuals- and we witnessed what seems like a miracle- our campaign total reached $500,995 by the end of January, allowing us to purchase the properties and begin work on plans for a complete renovation of the commercial space. In the meantime, we’ve done some cosmetic work to the “welcome house”, and it is set to begin being used to welcome newly arriving refugees in the next few weeks! I’m astounded at the provision of God and His perfect timing!

The new properties are not the biggest thing happening at Mission Adelante right now. Indeed, the refugee resettlement program itself lifted off the last week of January, as we received our first family, a couple from Nicaragua. The “good neighbor team” that we assigned to this very first family was from Mission Adelante’s own Spanish-speaking church community. With tremendous generosity and love, our own community of “people from all places” set the standard for hospitality, welcoming this new Refugee family to the United States and also into our church! Then, in a chain reaction of hospitality, this first refugee couple helped us welcome another new arrival, who, in turn, helped yet another family with their first steps in the U.S.!  This is what happens when agency, community, and church collide in one organization!  To date, we’ve received 12 families from different countries and continents. We’re building new systems, figuring things out as we go, and leaning on the support of partners in our community and city. God is so good!

As if this weren’t enough, in late January, we received news from the Kansas State Office for Refugees that we would be awarded additional grant funding to expand our programming. The kinds of expansion opportunities they had in mind went far beyond what we had imagined. It has allowed us to supercharge the development of our Refugee Resettlement team, which has gone from Kristen Maxwell, as the lone team member back in the fall, to include five full-time staff members by early March. Needless to say, the addition of these programs, which target employment services, medical navigation, public benefit navigation, expanded English classes, and more, will allow us to serve our new friends in a much more comprehensive way. Of course, this kind of rapid expansion of programming and staffing requires new systems and more operation support, which have stretched our team and infrastructure — a blinding blizzard of blessings!

Friends, this is an exciting time of expansion at Mission Adelante. The Lord is expanding our reach and our capacity as a ministry, and we’re so very thankful for this whirlwind of new things. Even as we lean into these new opportunities, we continue to see and celebrate fruit in our legacy programs and enjoy the fun and encouraging team environment among our staff and volunteers. We don’t stop giving thanks for those who serve as volunteers, give as donors, pray as partners, and love our community with us. Let’s do this! Let’s spread our wings and catch a ride on the whirlwind!

Our Refugee Resettlement staff: Kristen, Caleb, Marian, Veronica, Amy and Yanelis


Join our team of volunteers for the summer trimester and be part of "loving people from all places." Attend our volunteer orientation on May 18th, 2024 and find your place serving kids, youth, or adults in the immigrant community in KCK

For more information about volunteer opportunities visit:

Be part of our programs!

We are so excited for everything that is happening in our programs and we are grateful for all our volunteers who make everything possible. Would you consider partnering with us next trimester?

How can you help?

  • Pray for our program participants would create an impact in our community and grow with their walk with the Lord.

  • Volunteer – Come to our Observation Nights. For more information visit:

  • Donate to join us in building a multicultural community of disciples making disciples.

Trusting the Lord It's Not Easy

My Adventure at Mission Adelante

by Luis Magana, Partner Engagement Director

Franklin Roosevelt once said, “A smooth sea never made a skilled sailor”.  The same is true of our faith. Recently my wife and I had a few unexpected curveballs and we’ve found life hard to juggle. As we’ve navigated the waves of the past few months, we have found our faith strengthened. It is in our weakness that God's strength shines through, carrying us through every difficulty. 

The past seven months on staff at Mission Adelante have been filled with excitement, discovery and learning to trust the Lord daily. Some days are filled with challenges, some with joy and some with a little of both. I've learned that whatever the day holds,  the Lord is trustworthy. 

As the Partner Engagement Director, one of my main responsibilities is to assist in fundraising for Mission Adelante. When we speak about fundraising, we speak of faith that God will provide. Throughout my life and in my time with Mission Adelante, I can say with all my heart that God has never failed to provide. He continues to do so even now, and I am truly honored to witness His abundant blessings unfold before us.

Throughout the Bible, we find stories of individuals and communities who placed their unwavering trust in the Lord, and He miraculously provided for them. From Abraham and Isaac on Mount Moriah to the widow at Zarephath, each narrative reminds us of the power of faith and the boundless blessings that follow.

Proverbs 3:5-6 teaches us:

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths”

At Mission Adelante, we are currently in the midst of our summer campaign called "Infinity 2023." Our goal is to raise $60,000 in donations to support our Leadership Development programs, investing in the next generation of leaders and making an infinite impact  that ripples forward through time to infinity. While our fundraising goal is significant, to God, nothing is impossible. He has shown us countless times in the scriptures how He provides for those who trust in Him.

As part of our Infinity 2023 campaign, we are investing in our kids and youth, recognizing that it is one of the most crucial keys to bringing positive change in our community. We believe that we can empower them to become the leaders of tomorrow, transforming not only their lives but also the lives of the ones in our community.

I want to invite you to be part of God’s work at Mission Adelante, I am convinced that God is moving in here and he has something for us. Visit to make a donation and learn more about how you can get involved.

Trusting the Lord may not always be easy, but it has been the cornerstone of my journey of faith. Witnessing His faithfulness in providing fills me with hope and excitement for the future. 

Thank you for your support, prayers, and partnership. Together, we can make a lasting difference in the lives of many, one step of faith at a time. May God bless you abundantly as you join us on this adventure of trusting Him wholeheartedly!

Be part of our programs!

We are so excited for everything that is happening this year and we are grateful for all our volunteers who make everything possible. Would you consider partnering with us this trimester?

How can you help?

  • Pray for our program participants would create an impact in our community and grow with their walk with the Lord.

  • Volunteer – Come to our volunteer Orientation. For more information visit:

  • Donate to join us in building a multicultural community of disciples making disciples.

The Journey to Infinity

The journey to infinity

by Jarrett Meek, Founder/Pastor/Executive Director

“I love you to the Moon and back, infinity times infinity.”  Each of my children heard that phrase as a consistent part of our bedtime routine more times than they could count.  Even if the concept of infinity is difficult to grasp, my children knew that it meant my love for them was without limits, that it rippled through space and time without ever reaching an endpoint.  

How can ministry impact reach to infinity and beyond? The answer is found in leadership development.  Investing in young leaders who will in turn develop others.  Like a wave of light emanating from a distant galaxy, the ripple effect of developing young people travels through generations to infinity, reaching times and places never imagined.  

A child grows up in our urban neighborhood.  She finds a safe place to learn about Jesus.  She learns and grows, receives love, encouragement and help in school.  She’s invited to serve her community.  Mentors invest in her life.  As a teenager, she joins an internship where she is challenged to begin leading in new ways.  She invests in younger kids.  Her peers come to her for advice.  Her love for Jesus continues to grow along with her love for her neighborhood and her heart for children and youth growing up in similar circumstances to her own.  She overcomes many obstacles to become the first person in her family to go to college.  She serves, she loves, she builds.  Her children know Jesus and they love others well.  She shares her life and life and love for Jesus.  She develops others and many “honor her for all that her hands have done.  Her works bring praise at the city gate” (Proverbs 31:31).  The journey to infinity has begun.

Join us for one of our summer Fundraising Events!

You’re invited to attend one of our two small fundraising events this summer.  Each event will be a unique KCK experience and will include dinner (no charge) and a classic Strawberry Hill view.  These events are part of our summer INFINITY 2023 campaign to raise funds for our leadership development initiatives at Mission Adelante.  We're hoping these pilot events will help us get a good start toward our summer campaign goal of $60,000.

The Mockingbird Lounge Patio- Thursday, June 15- 6:30-8:30: Enjoy a local taco truck dinner, fellowship, and a classic Strawberry HIll view of downtown KCMO on the Mockingbird Lounge patio.  Please RSVP Here by June 12th (If you forget to RSVP by that date, please contact us!).

Splitlog Coffee Rooftop- Saturday, June 17th- 6:30-8:30: Enjoy SLAPS Barbeque, a great cause, and a cool experience with a classic view of downtown KCMO, on the rooftop of Splitlog Coffee Shop.  Please RSVP Here by June 12th. (If you forget to RSVP by that date, please contact us!)

If you are unable to attend, but would like to make a contribution toward the Infinity 2023 campaign goal of $60,000, you may do so at

Be part of our programs!

 We are so excited to start our summer programs and we are grateful for all our volunteers who make everything possible. Would you consider partnering with us this trimester?

How can you help?

  • Pray for our program participants would create an impact in our community and grow with their walk with the Lord.

  • Volunteer – Come to our Observation Nights. For more information visit:

  • Donate to join us in building a multicultural community of disciples making disciples.

Positive Affirmations

Positive Affirmations

by Veronica Garcia, ESL Manager

Have you ever woken up with a case of The Mondays? Not really my favorite day of the week…the thought of pending responsibilities in the morning is sometimes a damper to my day as soon as I wake up. When life is truly boggling you down, sometimes the last thing you want to do is actually deal with it.  But as a human in the real world, it’s impossible to avoid responsibility. Someone will always need our help, and most importantly, we need to help ourselves. As they used to teach in elementary school… “Responsibility begins with me!” 

This is not an article about avoiding responsibility, but actually about how we can motivate ourselves to tackle our responsibilities with a grateful heart. Earlier this week, I woke up on Monday with a normal case of the Mondays, but my mom reminded me that a positive outlook will make my day start and end a lot better. Daily positive affirmations are not something I do regularly, but probably need to start making a healthy habit of. There have been times where I have been in very stressful situations and just had to remind myself, “everything will be okay. I am brave, I am safe, and I will figure out a solution.” It truly changed my outlook on the situation and what do you know, I made it out just fine. It was then when I realized, “Okay, maybe this positive affirmation thing actually does work a little…”

So here are some positive affirmations that might be helpful when facing some chaotic moments….

  1. I am capable of achieving my goals and dreams. 

  2. I am strong and resilient in the face of challenges. 

  3. I am covered by the protection and peace of God, who guards my heart and mind in Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4:7) 

  4. I am grateful for the blessings in my life, and I will praise Him in all things. (1 Thessalonians 5:18)

  5. I am forgiven and made new through the grace of God. (2 Corinthians 5:17) 

  6. I am constantly growing and improving as a person. 

  7. I have faith in God's plan for my life, knowing that all things work together for good for those who love Him. (Romans 8:28) 

  8. I am grateful for the peace of God that surpasses all understanding, which guards my heart and mind in Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4:7)

  9. I choose to focus on positivity and let go of the negativity in my life. 

  10. I am worthy of love, respect, and happiness, and I will treat myself with kindness and compassion. 

Remember, these affirmations can help you focus on God's truth and promises in your life. You can personalize them to your own situation or use them as a general reminder of God's love and grace. 

I’ve been inspired recently by my older sister, Victoria. We were on the phone last week and she was telling me about the things going on in her life, both good and bad. When she finished sharing her struggles, she immediately followed up with, “You know what? I’m good. I’m staying positive because I know God’s got my back.” That’s all it is. God’s truly got your back, through the good and the bad. She shared that her view on life has changed so much in the last few months and has felt more peaceful since affirming herself and her situations with God at the forefront. God is the creator of positivity and good outcomes. I need to start dwelling on that truth!



Join our team of volunteers for the summer trimester and be part of "loving people from all places." Attend our volunteer orientation this coming Saturday, May 20th and find your place serving kids, youth, or adults in the immigrant community in KCK

For more information about volunteer opportunities visit

Be part of our programs!

 We are so excited to start our summer programs and we are grateful for all our volunteers who make everything possible. Would you consider partnering with us this trimester?

How can you help?

  • Pray for our program participants would create an impact in our community and grow with their walk with the Lord.

  • Volunteer – Come to our volunteer Orientation. For more information visit:

  • Donate to join us in building a multicultural community of disciples making disciples.

Easter around the world

Easter around the world.

by Luis Magana, Partner Engagement Director

Easter is here, and for us it's a time to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ. While the holiday is celebrated in many different ways across different cultures and countries, what matters most is the reason behind the celebration.

In the US, many families (including mine) attend special church services and have brunch or supper with their loved ones, while others prefer to combine traditions like Easter egg hunts and the Easter Bunny. In Latin America, Easter is known as Semana Santa, a week-long celebration with elaborate procession and parades. Often in Hispanic cultures,  schools and many offices close for the week for people to celebrate by spending time with family and friends. In Ethiopia, Fasika is celebrated with a 55-day fasting period followed by a massive feast.

Greece has a unique way of celebrating Easter with a week of religious observances leading up to the main event. On Holy Thursday, women dye eggs red to symbolize the blood of Christ, and on Holy Saturday, they prepare the traditional lamb meal for Easter Sunday. In Spain, Easter is marked by elaborate processions of statues and figures representing the passion of Christ.

The Philippines observes Holy Week with processions and reenactments of the crucifixion. in Sweden, Easter is celebrated with the lighting of bonfires on Holy Saturday, and in Norway, families gather for a traditional Easter lunch featuring eggs, cured meats, and cheese.

Regardless of how Easter is celebrated around the world, the reason is still the same: to celebrate the resurrection and the hope we find in the Gospel. It's a time to be grateful for the gift of eternal life that was given to us through Jesus. But also, Easter is an opportunity to gather with loved ones, share a meal, and create fun memories.

No matter where you are from or what is your tradition, let’s remember Easter is a celebration of the biggest act of love. Through the death and resurrection of Jesus, we have access directly to God and can receive forgiveness of our sins. Let's take this opportunity to reflect on our faith, express gratitude for all our blessings, and share His love with those around us.

"For if we have been united with him in a death like his, we will certainly also be united with him in a resurrection like his" (Romans 6:5)

Let's be united in faith as we celebrate Easter around the world. Happy Easter from Mission Adelante.

Be part of our programs!

We are so excited to start this year and we are grateful for all our volunteers who make everything possible. Would you consider partnering with us this trimester?

How can you help?

  • Pray for our program participants would create an impact in our community and grow with their walk with the Lord.

  • Volunteer – Come to our volunteer Orientation. For more information visit:

  • Donate to join us in building a multicultural community of disciples making disciples.

The Impact of Volunteers

The Impact of Volunteers 

by Patrique Harris, Youth Ministry Director

(Back row, from left to right: Alexis, Luis P and Luis M; front row, from left to right: Patrique, Elodia and Kaytlynn)

I can’t believe I am nearing the two-year mark of joining Mission Adelante’s team! Whatever expectations I had of leading Mission Adelante’s Youth Ministry have been completely transcended. In my role, I have been able to walk alongside many teenagers in the Kansas City, Kansas neighborhood. I have seen participants get taller, build new friendships, celebrate milestone birthdays, and grow in confidence, leadership, and their faith. But behind the scenes is a passionate group of individuals who commit significant time and resources to share in this ministry with me. Their partnership has made this experience just that much more special! 

At Mission Adelante, our goal is to make disciples by serving, sharing life, and sharing Jesus with people from all places, and our current cohort of Youth Ministry volunteers, Michael, Jessie, Elodia, Luis P, Alexis, Kaytlynn, Luis M and Grace, are truly living this out. On Wednesday evenings our building is bustling with excited participants, eager to spend time with our beloved volunteers. To be honest, at times it is difficult to distinguish volunteers from participants. You’ll often find volunteers fully engaged in hot competition, cracking jokes, and using the newest slang! During our lesson time, volunteers help participants break down biblical occurrences, challenging participants to implement teachings in their own life. It’s incredible how relatable our participants find our volunteers. Despite the age gap, volunteers find common ground by spending time listening and learning about the experiences of teens and also sharing experiences from their own lives and childhood. The relationship is 100% reciprocal! 

(From left to right: Lucy, Alana, Anisha and Patrique)

(From left to right: Anisha, Alexis, Kaytlynn, Jessie and Grace)

What’s more, the friendship and mentorship of veteran volunteers has moved the next generation to also serve, share life, and share Jesus. You can catch Lucy leading Bible lessons at Kids Adelante on Thursday evenings, Anisha preparing for Arts Community classes on Monday evenings, and Alana helping to ideate fun activities for Adelante Youth Club on Wednesday evenings. I am confident that the example of our volunteers will continue to drive more and more young leaders to emerge from our neighborhood!

Be part of our programs!

 We are so excited to start this year and we are grateful for all our volunteers who make everything possible. Would you consider partnering with us this trimester?

How can you help?

  • Pray for our program participants would create an impact in our community and grow with their walk with the Lord.

  • Volunteer – Come to our volunteer Orientation. For more information visit:

  • Donate to join us in building a multicultural community of disciples making disciples.

New Journey of Making Disciples!

Laxmi (far right) and Phul Maya (far left) with girls from their discipling group.

Laxmi (far right) and Phul Maya (far left) with girls from their discipling group.

Written by Laxmi Gurung, Refugee Kids/Youth Coordinator

I first came to know Jesus through a discipleship group that I belonged to. There I learned about God and made new friends. I’m so thankful to have been a part of this group! They impacted my life in many ways and made me who I am today. Phul Maya Rasaily was one of the friends that I met in this group. Now she is one of the apprentices here at Mission Adelante. I was really excited to work with Phul! Not only is she a good friend, but she is also like a sister who I have always looked up to. This August, we created our own discipling group with the youth from our programs. We have a total of eight young girls. We hang out with them and play soccer during the weekends. I absolutely love spending time with these girls because we get to teach, share life, and have fun together!

During our first week, we asked them what kind of topics they would like to learn about. They answered with interesting questions about belief, maintaining strong faith, and forgiveness. Phul Maya and I will be working together to find stories in the Bible that best connect with these topics. This way the youth can have a better understanding of how these topics relate to the Bible and what it teaches us to do in these situations. Some of the girls in our group do not come from Christian families and I know it would be hard for them to understand if we only talk about Bible stories. I can relate to them because I am not from a Christian family, and I had a hard time understanding the Scripture at first. From my own experiences, I have figured out that learning from the Bible is easier when the stories relate to your own life.

Phul Maya and I will continue to practice Matthew 28:19-20, “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” We will do this by encouraging these young girls to continue learning about Christ and creating a safe space for them to ask questions. I ask that you all pray for us and our group to know Christ deeply and create lifelong friendships with one another.

The discipling group gathers at a park for a quick snack and chat.

The discipling group gathers at a park for a quick snack and chat.


  • We will be hosting a New Volunteer Orientation on Saturday, September 14th from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm. If you are interested in volunteering with kids, youth, arts and music, adult ESL, or citizenship classes, this is a great opportunity to jump in the fall trimester (September 16 - December 5). Sign up for the registration here:


  • Do you have a heart for kids? Do you want to make a difference in a kid's life? Kids Adelante is looking for energetic and fun-loving volunteers! If you are interested in volunteering, please visit our website at

  • Thinking about decluttering your house before fall? Adelante Thrift is in need of gently used items in all departments: Men's, Women's, and Children's Clothing, Housewares, Electronics, and Furniture. Adelante Thrift is located at 3720 State Ave KC KS 66102.

Lamenting and Hoping With People from All Places

Members of Mission Adelante attended the CCDA conference in Los Angeles, CA.

Members of Mission Adelante attended the CCDA conference in Los Angeles, CA.

by Jarrett Meek, Founder/Pastor/Executive Director

Never have I been more passionate about my calling to serve, share life and share Jesus with people from other places than I am today.   Walking with vulnerable people as they navigate the challenges of living in a new country, helping outsiders become insiders, sharing and living the Gospel of Christ, sowing truth about who we all are as image-bearers of our Creator God and brothers of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ; these are things that matter deeply to me.  At the intersection of the Greatest Commandments and the Great Commission is a beautiful and special calling to love immigrants and refugees and help outsiders become Kingdom insiders.

"Oh God be not far from me, make haste to help me!"  Psalm 71:12

After a presidential campaign that produced a barrage of harsh language about immigrants and refugees, which was then affirmed by voters, we at Mission Adelante hurt with our friends from other places, because we know how all of this has affected them already.  We pray and hope with many of you that demeaning and severe words won't become harsh policies, but we also understand and want others to grasp the depth of impact the words themselves have had on people who already feel like outsiders.  The heart of these matters doesn't have to do with a political party, who won or lost an election, or a political ideology.  Friends, supporters, staff, and community members of Mission Adelante have a diversity views on all of these things, and Mission Adelante takes no position on political parties or candidates.  But what we all share is deep respect for the dignity of each person created in God's image, the value of families and work, the Biblical principle of showing mercy to vulnerable people, a passion for the Gospel of Jesus Christ, a love for people from all places, and the sorrow of seeing our neighbors hurting.  Friends, our community is hurting.  Will you lament with us?

"For you Oh Lord are my hope, my trust, oh Lord, from my youth." Psalm 71:5

Our hope is in Jesus and Jesus alone.  He is our Lord.  He is King now and forever!  This truth is the sweetest and most beautiful hope there is.  When we lament with our brothers and sisters, we do not do so as those without hope, for He is our refuge and our strength.  And yet we lament.  When we look apprehensively at the future, we may dread the impact that harsh policies may have on our lives or the lives of those we love.  And yet we hope.  We hope, because, though He told us to expect trials of many kinds, He also told us that the testing of our faith produces steadfastness (James 1:3).  We hope because we know that not even death could hold our Lord, and the resurrection broke forth from the crucifixion!  Our community is hoping in Jesus.  Will you hope with us?

"But I will hope continually, and I will praise you yet more and more." Psalm 71:14

As the Mission Adelante community walks into this new and uncertain season, we invite you into it with us, to love our neighbor, to show hospitality to people from all places, to pray, to serve and to share life.  And most of all, to share Jesus!  Will you love people from all places with us?

Reflections on Doing Justly, Loving Mercy, and Walking Humbly

A Team from Mission Adelante was inspired to do justly, love mercy, and walk humble at the annual CCDA conference this month.

A Team from Mission Adelante was inspired to do justly, love mercy, and walk humble at the annual CCDA conference this month.

Written by Jarrett Meek, Executive Director

Recently, a passage from the Old Testament prophet Micah has been on my mind.  "With what shall I come before the Lord, and bow myself before the God on high?", asks the prophet.  "Shall I come with burnt offerings, with calves a year old?  Will the Lord be pleased with thousands of rams, with ten thousands of rivers of oil?  Shall I give my firstborn...?"  What does the Lord require of us?  As Micah ponders this questions out loud, his mind goes first to external religious practices.  He mentions sacrifices and wonders if the Lord will be pleased with his burnt offerings.  It seems clear he's setting this idea up to be torn down.  Then he goes a bit further, multiplying the sacrifices by really big numbers; "what if my sacrifices numbered in the thousands and tens of thousands?  Then would the Lord be pleased?"  And then he proposes the ultimate act of religious devotion; "What if my religious zeal was so great that I were to give my FIRSTBORN!"  The way he asks the questions communicate the answer: zeal for religious practice does NOT please the Lord.  

Today we might say something like, "What if I pray each morning?  What if I get up at 4:30 a.m. to pray each morning?  Then would the Lord be pleased?" Or, what if I read the Bible in a year?  What if I memorize a whole chapter from the Bible?  Then would the Lord be pleased?"  I believe the answer to these questions is like the answer Micah was implying; the Lord is not impressed by our religious activity.

Micah is not meaning to toss out spiritual disciplines or practices all together.  He just wants to put them in their place.  When he finally gets around to answering the question, he says, "He has shown you, oh man, what is good and what the Lord requires of you."  He reveals his answer in 3 parts:

  1. To do justly
  2. To love mercy
  3. To walk humbly with your God.

Doing justly means, in part, seeking the good of our neighbor, especially our neighbor who is vulnerable to suffering injustice.  If we want to please God, Micah reminds us, we must care deeply about injustice and do something about it.  

When I think about loving mercy, the first thing that comes to my mind is the famous book/musical/movie, Les Miserables.  For those who have seen it, the image of a man, Javert, who loves judgement and the law contrasts in the most powerful way with a man who has received mercy and loves to give it, Jean Valjean.  The Lord is pleased with a person who loves mercy.

Walking humbly with our God has many expressions.  Humility should characterize our relationship with God and should permeate our relationship with our neighbor.  The apostle Paul said it well when he wrote, "Do nothing out of selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others as more significant than yourselves."  (Philippians 2:3)

As Mission Adelante lives out it's mission, our heart's desire is to please the Lord.  We love to talk about the greatest commandments: to love God and to love our neighbor.  The passage in Micah 6 gives us another way to remember and apply what Jesus said was most important.

Current Needs:

  • Our Leaders in Training (LIT) students are hungry when they arrive at Mission Adelante after school.  We go through about 80 individually wrapped snacks a week! Next time you are at Costco or Sams, think of us!  You can drop them off at Mission Adelante during regular business hours, Monday - Thursday 9:00 - 5:00.



Igniting a Disciple-making Movement

by Jarrett Meek, Founder, Pastor/Executive Director

Few moments in Mission Adelante’s history have been more significant than the Leadership Community launch retreat we held last weekend.  It was, in many ways, the culmination of ten years of disciple-making and leadership development efforts, coming into bloom on a precious plant that has been often tossed and beaten by the wind and hail of the challenges that we face in our community on a daily basis.  

Forty-eight emerging leaders from our Latino, Bhutanese, and English-speaking communities came together to begin a year-long, multicultural training experience focused on learning to make disciples as Jesus did.  Using stories from the gospels to demonstrate that Jesus’ work on earth focused on equipping disciples who make disciples, we observed and expounded eight principles of his disciple-making ministry (also expounded in the classic book, “Master Plan of Evangelism” by Robert Coleman).  Each principle was introduced by a member of our team (Yanelis, David and Jarrett) with a short teaching segment, and participants were able to listen simultaneously with headphones to a translated, pre-recorded version of the segment in their own language (Nepali, English, or Spanish).  The concise teaching segments were followed by longer small group discussion times that moved from observing Jesus’ disciple-making ministry to putting it into practice in our own neighborhood and context.  What made this time especially effective was the years of disciple-making culture and values that are embedded deep within our ministry’s DNA.  Many expressed that we were putting words to concepts we had been living out, giving a clearer vision of what we’re all working toward.

While we covered a lot of content, the retreat was also full of fun and games.  The first night’s games of dominoes and Dutch Blitz were followed up by an afternoon of soccer, foosball, and ping-pong, and then dramatically eclipsed by a spontaneous two hours of karaoke in Spanish and English on the final night.  All I have to say is Mission Adelante’s got talent!!  

Many of us shared in open mic format, on the final morning, that the greatest highlight of the weekend was worshiping Jesus in three languages at different times during the retreat.  This aspect of our retreat was indeed a unique and profound experience.  Nepali songs led by AB, Ram and the Nepali band expressed praise for our Lord with voices and dancing.  Our Latino musicians passionately led us as we lifted up the name of Jesus.  And, our English speaking group guided us to that intimate place where Jesus is the center of everything.  It was a taste of heaven indeed.

As messy as multicultural endeavors can be, we are excited to continue experimenting, overcoming challenges, and experiencing the Lord together in the process.  And, as we press into making disciples like Jesus did, we are anxiously expecting and praying that the Lord will ignite a multiplying, multicultural movement in our neighborhood.  

“We envision a growing multicultural community of disciples making disciples, where immigrants and others are thriving and using our gifts together to transform our neighborhood and the world for the glory of Jesus Christ.”

I believe now that we are closer than ever to seeing what we’ve been envisioning for so long.  I invite you to pray that this vision will become reality at Mission Adelante.  

In other news:

  • The Bhutanese Teens Club launch could not have gone better! Last week, 14 high school and college-age students joined us to eat, play games, do homework and learn about Jesus in small group bible studies.  We've switched from Tuesday nights to Monday nights this trimester.

  • The Latino Leaders in Training are learning about the life of Jesus and the kind of leader He was as recorded by Matthew!  It is encouraging to see the kids growing in their pursuit of the Lord.

  • Last Thursday was "Superhero Night" at Kid’s Adelante.  It was a blast to see the well-known and made upcharacters the kids chose for their costumes!

Prayer requests:

  • Please pray that the Lord would draw closer to His heart the young mothers in our neighborhood that may feel isolated and that need love, support, and hope.  Pray that they'll find encouragement through community.

Upcoming dates:

Observation Nights: Each trimester we invite potential volunteers to come observe our ministry programs to get a better idea of what serving in our context looks like.  Come on up to 22 S. 18th Street, Kansas City, KS 66102 at 6:30 on any of the following evenings:

  • Tuesdays, March 1 and 8: Bhutanese ministry observations nights (Adult ESL, Kids Club, Middle School Club)
  • Thursdays, March 3 and 10: Latino ministry observation nights (Adult ESL, Kids Club)

A Prayer Walk

Written by Jenny Dunn, Bhutanese ESL Coordinator

Have you ever been prayed over? Wasn’t it just so encouraging to know that someone found you important enough to bring you before their god? Every day, we have the chance to pray for people.  Often times, this is the least offensive way to tell people about our God and how powerful He is.

A couple weekends ago, the Bhutanese ESL volunteers came together and prayed over our neighborhood. We walked the streets and prayed the houses and the people that live in them, the schools and the kids that attend them, sickness, and the barriers that keep people from knowing our God.

As we walked, we saw some of our Bhutanese friends and told them what we were doing. We then prayed over them. They have been suffering from sickness in their house; we prayed that God would heal them.

The other day, I heard an old story that increased my boldness to pray. One of our couple friends had been told back in Nepal that they would be unable to have any children.  This was very disappointing to this woman. One day, one of our friends visited them; she had been sick for a few days with a cold, so our friend prayed that Jesus would heal her cold. Not one month later, she found out that she was pregnant.  That prayer was so memorable to the family that one month later the husband was convinced that God had given them their baby because of it.

I think about the prayers that we pray over our friends and how much more He can do than we can even think, imagine, or dream up.  O Jesus, let us be people of prayer with faith that only You give.


  • Several new Bhutanese refugee families arrived last month and are attending English classes. Please pray they adjust well to life in Kansas City and that they feel welcomed by our community.
  • Pray for our kids to find constructive things to do with their time over school breaks.


  • Leaders in Training, our after school tutoring program, is in need of individually packed snacks. Costco and Sam’s Club are great places to pick some up!  If you can provide some snacks contact Kristen Maxwell at


  • Fall break: Tuesday, November 25-Saturday, November 29 No programs. Happy Thanksgiving! 

What Have the Summer Interns Been Up To?

By Edgar Soriano, Ministry Intern

This has been a great summer! Our second internship for teens from our own neighborhood has been an amazing experience for each of them. They have done so many things that have helped them grow closer to God. 

They've gotten the chance to see the other side of ministry and have loved and enjoyed doing it.

The first month of the internship was filled with kids camps, where they played with the kids and helped lead small groups.

They've also been focused on discipling other teens from our community by living life and sharing Jesus with them. They organize social activities for the teens like playing soccer, going to a movie, going bowling, and other fun things that help them share life. We are getting close to the end of the internship but the interns are better then ever.  

We are so proud of them for the great leaders they're becoming.

They have learned and grown so much this year, and we and hope to see all of them back next year.

Current Needs:

  • Leaders in Training, our after-school leadership development and tutoring program, is getting excited about technology!  We are currently looking for tablets that are in new, or very good condition to be used for learning activities during the 2014-2015 school year. If you have one you would like to donate please contact Kristen Maxwell at or Megan McDermott at
  • Looking for a fun way to make a big impact in the fall? Want to pour into the future leaders of our community?   Our relational and fun after-school tutoring and character development program, Leaders in Training, is currently looking for volunteers.  Contact Megan at if you are interested!
  • We are rehabbing the house next door to our building, and are in need of residential appliances in good working order.  Please contact Sarah at if you would like to donate an electric range/oven, dishwasher, washer, or electric dryer.

Important Dates:

  • Bhutanese Summer Party--Saturday, August 9 at 4:00 at Wyandotte County Lake Park, 91st and Leavenworth Road, Kansas City, KS 66109. After entering the park you'll come to a fork in the road; go left and continue to Shelter #6. Please bring a dish to share and stay for the awards and cultural presentation!
  • Latino Summer Party--Sunday, August 10 at 5:00 at Wyandotte County Lake Park, 91st and Leavenworth Road, Kansas City, KS 66109. After entering the park you'll come to a fork in the road; go left and continue to Shelters #8 &10. Please note, these are different shelters than the large shelter where the party has been held in previous years. Dress casually and bring a dish to share, lawn chairs and/or a picnic blanket.

Learning from Jesus in Cross-Cultural Ministry

Written by David Stetler, Bhutanese Outreach Director

Cultural and language barriers come together upon those engaged in cross-cultural ministry. Whether you have been in it for years or you are just a beginner, cross-cultural ministry can be challenging, overwhelming and sometimes even disorienting. With these challenges comes an opportunity to look to the One who provides us with all the things we need. The life and teachings of Jesus reveal to us a way to minister cross-culturally that are quite literally already transforming the world. 

First we see that Jesus came to serve. In Philippians 2 we see the humility of Christ "making himself nothing by taking on the very nature of a servant". As we engage in cross-cultural ministry our posture must mimic that of Christ, in taking on the very nature of a servant, to come as one who serves.

Second, Jesus teaches us through the life of Paul.  In 1 Thessalonians 2:8, Paul expresses his desire for relationship with those to whom he is ministering. "We loved you so much that we shared not only the gospel, but our very lives as well." Paul shows us that relationship is vital in embodying the gospel as we share life with those to whom we seek to minister. 

Lastly, we see by Christ's example in John 1 that "...the Word became human and made his home among us." Jesus became a man and entered a new culture as a humble baby who grew up in the Jewish culture. He became one of us. And just as Christ came and lived among the people in his own time and culture, we to have an opportunity to go and live among people at this time and in their culture. Jesus was not just the message of good news, He embodied the message.  As He went into the Jewish culture of that time He embodied the good news and transmitted it through servanthood and loving relationships that would eventually transform the world.

May we follow Jesus in embodying this life-transforming message and learn to serve, share life and share Jesus with people from all places through Christ-centered, loving relationships.

In other news:

  • We are excited to reward our Bhutanese and Latino LIT (Leaders in Training) students with a group field trip to this Friday! We will spend the day at Science City and Zonkers!
Prayer needs:
  • Last week we shared the important need for prayer as we move forward with Adelante Thrift. Please continue to include this community development initiative in your prayers.
Current needs:
  • Our LIT students earn “Mission Adelante Money” for exemplary behaviour and doing extra academic work, which they can spend at a reward store once each trimester.  We are in need of items to stock that store!  Ideas include sports equipment, craft supplies, room decorations, or any small items that might appeal to 8-14 year old students.  If you would like to contribute please contact Megan McDermott at or Kristen Maxwell at

Important dates:
  • Observation Days: Tuesdays, November 5 & 12 (Bhutanese)/Thursdays, November 7 & 14 (Latino) 6:30-8:30  Have you wondered what all goes on around here on a typical evening of programming?  Here's your opportunity to come and see for yourself!
  • Kansas Bhutanese Concert: Saturday, November 16th from 4pm-10pm at Wyandotte High School (2501 Minnesota Ave, Kansas City, KS 66102) Everyone is invited to come and celebrate Nepali Culture at this exciting event sponsored by Mission Adelante and coordinated by our dear friend Ram Rai. It will feature comedians, cultural dances, and ethnic food. Tickets are $15 and can be purchased at the RG Asian Store (101 S 18th St, Kansas CityKS 66102). Don’t miss this chance to learn about and celebrate the rich culture of the Bhutanese Refugee community!

Building Interdependent Relationships

by Jarrett Meek

"What would make cross-cultural missionaries more effective at ministering the gospel of Christ?"  That's the question author and long-time missionary Duane Elmer asked believers from many different countries before writing his book,

Cross-Cultural Servanthood

.  The answer, which was repeated over and over again in different forms and sometimes in these exact words, might surprise you:

"Missionaries could more effectively minister the gospel of Christ if they did not think they were so superior to us."  

As I have processed through this book with the staff of Mission Adelante, obvious questions have arisen.

 "What is it that causes people from other cultures to perceive our efforts at serving in this way?"  "Do we indeed have an underlying or unconscious attitude of superiority that comes across when we relate with others?"  "How can we reflect the humility of Christ when we serve and share life?"  Elmer's book is one of the best I've read at addressing these questions.

At Mission Adelante we are becoming a new community, a multicultural community, a community where immigrants and others thrive and use our gifts together to transform our neighborhood.  In the process we are all learning a lot and God is causing us all to grow!

"Relationships" have always been a core value of our ministry.  We believe that ministry is a relational endeavor... not programs, not services, but relationships!  They are the context for making disciples, for loving our neighbor, for equipping leaders, for serving, for sharing Jesus.  Relationships rule!  But, it's not just any kind of relationship we're talking about.  When ministry is done in a relational way, many wrongs are made right, and we see much greater effectiveness.  But, it's also possible to form relationships in a way that's not helpful.  So the kind of relationships we're especially talking about are "interdependent relationships."  That's how it's written in our values document.

"We believe that ministry is relational at its core.  And when relationships are interdependent, learning is mutual, serving is reciprocal, and friendships are life-giving." 

Interdependence means both parties give and receive.  Interdependence means that I learn as much from the other person as he learns from me.  Interdependence means that we need each other.  The times when I've experienced relationships like this, God has moved powerfully in my life, in my friends' lives, and through our ministry together.

As the Mission Adelante community presses into what it looks like to build interdependent relationships and minister the gospel of Christ effectively in a multicultural context, we are aware that if the things that seem like strengths in our own respective cultures make it difficult to relate to others humbly, those very strengths can become our biggest weaknesses in ministry.  The Lord said to the apostle Paul, "My grace is sufficient for you, for power is perfected in weakness".

2 Corinthians 12:9a

Prayer needs

  • Praise God for a recent opportunity Jason Schoff had to engage pastors and church leaders as part of a four person immigration panel at the Sentralized conference.  Pray for all our pastors who are stepping out to call for new immigration policy.

Current needs

  • We need books!!! Do you have some at home that you might be willing to part with, or do you frequent yard sales or thrift stores? We are in need of easy to read, high interest books to add to our LIT library! Contact Kristen or Megan for more information: or
  • We are in need of volunteers to join the Bhutanese Transportation Team! No CDL drivers license required! The greatest need is for drivers on Tuesday evenings. if you or someone you know is interested, please contact Drew Hammond at

Sharing the love of Jesus one backpack at a time

All families know that back-to-school season is one of the most expensive times of the year. The fees, the supplies, the new shoes--it can be a little overwhelming. Imagine coming to a new country with only the clothes on your back and few other resources. For the first couple of years it is going to be quite a struggle. If you look at the back-to-school season through that lens, school supplies for your child are probably going to fall pretty low on your list of priorities, and your child will most likely go back to school with few, if any of their needed supplies. Is that a fun way to start a new school year?

The kids outreaches at Mission Adelante have the opportunity to disciple around 190 kids and teenagers on a weekly basis. Ranging in age from 9 months to 19 years old, they all have a unique and wonderful story to tell and it is a blessing to get to be a part of it. We get to plant seeds, water them, and see the fruit of Jesus changing lives and families. What a privilege! 

The most practical way that we can show our young friends the love of Jesus is by providing for physical needs like school supplies. When we do that, we are able to have conversations about why people care about them, and ultimately, why Jesus cares about them. The Gospel can be communicated through the giving of a backpack! Not only that, but the student can go back to school with the confidence and dignity of having what they need to be successful in the year ahead.

Would you be able to help us share the love of Jesus by putting together a backpack for one of our friends?

Please contact Kristen Maxwell


) or Megan McDermott (

) for more information.

Other News

  • IGNITE 2013 is this Saturday! A Workshop on Developing Businesses for Kingdom Impact - July 20 at 8:30am. You are invited to join us as we learn how fostering entrepreneuership can tranform lives and communities in under-resourced areas.Check out the link below for more information and to register for the event!

IGNITE 2013 Information and Registration:

July 20, 8:30-11:00 a.m

  • The medical clinic team continues to develop partnerships and learn from various community members as they seek to understand the complex medical needs in the neighborhood. We appreciate all of the feedback we are receiving this trimester and know it will help form a medical clinic that represents the diversity of culture and need among our neighbors. 

Prayer Needs

  • Pray that program participants and volunteers would finish out the trimester strong!
  • Please pray for the Adelante Business Coaching Team’s time with Rudy Carrasco this weekend as they continue to develop the ministry. Also pray that those in attendance at Ignite would be inspired to deepen their commitment to business as mission. 
  • Pray for an immigrant family from one of our suburban churches who has a member in deportation hearings.  Please pray for God to open a way for this man to stay in the US with his wife and five children. 

Current Needs

  • The Kids Adelante ministry needs an ipod with a long battery life.. We would use it multiple times each week and would be so grateful to receive one.  Please contact Megan at if you are interested. 
  • Looking for an intentional way to impact the future leaders of our community? Our LIT(Leaders in Training, after-school tutoring program)  is currently seeking mentors for the fall..  Please contact Megan at if you would like more info.
  • The hot weather is here, and the resource center is in need of two window AC units for a family. If you are about to help, please contact Molly at

Important dates

Observation nights: July 16, 18, 23, & 25.

Have you wondered what all goes on around here on a typical evening of programming?  Here's your opportunity to come and see for yourself!  Come to 22 S. 18th Street, Kansas City, KS 66102 at 6:30.

Summer Interns from our Neighborhood!!

Our Summer Internship opening retreat began in Lawrence

by Jarrett Meek, Founder, Executive Pastor

Jesus, having seen the crowds of people in the towns around Jerusalem had compassion on them.  "The are like sheep without a shepherd," he said.  Where are the shepherds?  Then he said to his disciples, "The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few.  Pray to the Lord of the harvest that he would send out workers into his harvest field."  And then Jesus sends his twelve disciples out to preach the good news.  The disciples became the harvest workers.  This was Jesus' plan!

When I look throughout our urban Kansas City neighborhood I see deep and desperate needs all around, but I also see great potential.  I see sheep without a shepherd, but at the same time I see young leaders emerging.  Our prayer at Mission Adelante has been that God would raise up workers for His harvest from within our neighborhood.  And its happening!  

This weekend we launched our first ever summer internship for emerging leaders from our own neighborhood; 

Helen Venegas, Edgar Soriano, Iris Venegas, and Odalis Delgado.  

These are amazing young people who have been involved in Mission Adelante now for many years, most of them having started with us as kids when Kids Adelante still met in our basement.  Over the years the Lord has worked in their lives in powerful ways and has begun something that we are confident He will continue on until the day of Christ Jesus.  These neighborhood all-stars are learning to follow Jesus, they're making an impact, blazing new trails, loving their peers, and becoming leaders in our ministry.

This summer they will become key-carrying members of our staff, walking closely with mentors, doing ministry together, receiving training workshops and being challenged to seek the Lord in their own personal lives in new and deeper ways.  They are ready to be sent out, just like the disciples were sent out; not yet fully trained, but bravely depending on Jesus for every step in their own growth, knowing that He will use them in ways they never imagined and that the experience will shape their own lives.

The opening retreat for the internship began in Lawrence with a tour of KU's campus, where Iris will be attending in the Fall.  And then we moved to The Barn Bed and Breakfast Inn were we dove into games and activities that deepened our relationships and set a course for pursuing Christ together through the summer.  As I look forward to the next 8 weeks I am expectant and excited about what the Lord will do in their lives and through them.  And I continue to "pray that the Lord would raise us workers for His harvest" from within our neighborhood.  Please pray with us this summer!

In other news

  • This trimester we have a new volunteer position available at Bhutanese Teens Club.Tenteenagerswill serve as captains this trimester. These captains will have leadership roles and help teach or organize games. We are excited to see these students develop their leadership abilityas they learn to follow Yeshu (Jesus) this summer!
  • Four Latino teens confirmed their participation as summer interns this past week.  They will be challenged in new ways over the next two months, but they are ready and eager.
  • Yanelis, the Raices director in Cuba, arrived on Saturday and will help lead our summer interns in discipleship seminars.  We are excited to have her here this summer.
  • A Memorial Day get-together at the Meeks’ home turned into a beautiful multicultural party.  A spontaneous dance party erupted on the patio--and on the picnic table! There was football, volleyball, and croquet in the yard, s'mores in the firepit, and all kinds of meat on the open grill.  It was a slice of heaven!

Prayer needs

  • Please pray for our senators and representatives looking to reform immigration laws.  Pray for them to be wise, courageous, and God-honoring in their decisionmaking.
  • Please pray for English students and conversation partners to enjoy each other and develop authentic relationships as they spend time together this summer. 

Current Needs

  • We need several 4x8 foot ivory-colored cloth tablecloths to be used for events at the building. If you are able to provide these, please contact Jenny Dunn at
  • We still need a few more board books for our Mommy & Me ESL and early literacy class in June. Please contact for book titles.

 Important Dates

  • Latino Summer Program Launch: Tonight

Dignity and Freedom

Written by Drew Hammond, Bhutanese Logistics Coordinator

The Apostle Paul’s passion for the freedom of all people from sin and death that we see as we read Romans is perhaps the most powerful of all his writings. His letter to the Romans is written to both the Jew and the Gentile: people of extremely different first century cultures, but both crushed by the burden of sin. Similarly, in twenty-first century Kansas City, Kansas, we find ourselves weaving between Eastern-Nepali culture and Western-American culture, which are probably as culturally different as they could be.

Much of what Paul writes to the Romans is unpacking what it means that Jesus came to save both the Jew and the Gentile, bearing the burden of sin and redeeming them through his death and resurrection. In Romans 1:16 Paul writes, “For I am not ashamed of the Gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek.” Paul teaches us that the Gospel is for all people of all cultures.

At Mission Adelante, we long to see people of every culture living in freedom from sin and death while maintaining cultural identity and dignity. We strive to proclaim the truth of Jesus to our brothers and sisters from other cultures in ways that affirm their culture and ultimately their heart. That can be as simple as sharing meals with our immigrant friends in their homes and enjoying the food they offer us. It can also be more complex, like discipling indigenous leaders to lead house churches in their first language, and helping them incorporate elements from their native culture in ways that proclaim Jesus as Lord. Our goal is to live our lives in the freedom Jesus offers alongside our friends from other tribes, tongues, and nations, so they can join us in experiencing His grace every day.

In other news:

  • Our Missional Community met Monday evening to welcome the Meek family back.  We meet each month for fellowship because we strongly believe in the importance of relationships. It was a fun time for the children and adults from our multicultural community to share a meal, play soccer, and catch up with each other.
  • Last week we welcomed Kristen Allen onto our staff officially to lead our Community Development Initiatives.  This weekend she is attending the Christian Community Health Fellowship conference in Atlanta to get heavy dose of vision and encouragement as we continue doing surveys in our community and building our team for this initiative.
  • The Adelante Thrift board is considering locations within our target area for our thrift store.  We are dreaming of a “business as missions” venture that will create jobs for people in our neighborhood and provide a sustainable source of income for some of our other ministries.
  • We are preparing to do our first ever summer internship for Latino youth from our own neighborhood!
  • Yanelis Lopez, the leader of RAICES, our partner ministry in Cuba, will be joining us for the summer to help lead our summer internship and learn along with our staff.
  • A dozen English class volunteers met last weekend to discuss building authentic relationships with our Bhutanese friends and their families. We were encouraged and went home with several practical ways to engage more deeply with them.

Prayer needs:

  • In order to pull off our weekly programming it takes an army of volunteers! These programs are very important because they serve as the initial jumping-off point for many of the relationships that develop in our community. Please join us in praying that the Lord would provide the volunteers needed to make this Summer’s trimester programming successful.
  • Please pray for the final part of the selection process for our summer internship.  We are praying that God will bring forward the right group of Latino youth for the pilot year of our program!

Current needs:

  • Sets of 5-7 toddler-friendly board books (baby animals, counting, body parts, etc) for a Mommy & Me English workshop this summer. If you are able to provide one or more books, please contact Lauren at
  • The Bhutanese outreach needs women college-age or older to volunteer at the Bhutanese Teens Club on Tuesday nights this Summer from 6pm-8:30pm. Volunteers would get the opportunity to show Bhutanese Teen girls the love of Jesus as they interact with them during the Teens Club program (youth group) through games, music, telling bible stories, praying, etc. If interested please contact Hannah Hume at
  • We are looking for four Bhutanese Kids Club volunteers who would be interested in spending 10 weeks investing in small group of kids!  We need assistant leaders for the 4 year-olds, 2nd graders, 3rd graders and 4th-6th grade boys (would need to be a male volunteer).  If you are interested in serving, or would like more information contact Kristen Maxwell at
  • The resource center is in need of boys and girls and toddler clothing  Please help us out by not leaving donations outside of the Resource Center, or inside or outside of our facility!  The weather can make a mess out of them and render the donation useless!  Please contact Molly at to arrange a time to drop-off your donation.

Important dates:

  • Volunteer Orientation & Training: Saturday, May 18, 9:00-12:30 All volunteers should attend this training once at the beginning of serving with Mission Adelante. It's also a great way for someone to become familiar with Mission Adelante's ministry. If you or someone you know is interested in finding out more about what we do, and about our volunteer opportunities, please plan to attend/encourage him or her to attend this informative training. 
  • All Volunteer Huddle & Dessert: Monday, May 20, 6:30 p.m. We encourage everyone that will be volunteering with us during our summer trimester to attend so we can prepare for a great launch. 
  • Summer trimester programs launch: Week of May 27