Members of Mission Adelante attended the CCDA conference in Los Angeles, CA.
by Jarrett Meek, Founder/Pastor/Executive Director
Never have I been more passionate about my calling to serve, share life and share Jesus with people from other places than I am today. Walking with vulnerable people as they navigate the challenges of living in a new country, helping outsiders become insiders, sharing and living the Gospel of Christ, sowing truth about who we all are as image-bearers of our Creator God and brothers of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ; these are things that matter deeply to me. At the intersection of the Greatest Commandments and the Great Commission is a beautiful and special calling to love immigrants and refugees and help outsiders become Kingdom insiders.
"Oh God be not far from me, make haste to help me!" Psalm 71:12
After a presidential campaign that produced a barrage of harsh language about immigrants and refugees, which was then affirmed by voters, we at Mission Adelante hurt with our friends from other places, because we know how all of this has affected them already. We pray and hope with many of you that demeaning and severe words won't become harsh policies, but we also understand and want others to grasp the depth of impact the words themselves have had on people who already feel like outsiders. The heart of these matters doesn't have to do with a political party, who won or lost an election, or a political ideology. Friends, supporters, staff, and community members of Mission Adelante have a diversity views on all of these things, and Mission Adelante takes no position on political parties or candidates. But what we all share is deep respect for the dignity of each person created in God's image, the value of families and work, the Biblical principle of showing mercy to vulnerable people, a passion for the Gospel of Jesus Christ, a love for people from all places, and the sorrow of seeing our neighbors hurting. Friends, our community is hurting. Will you lament with us?
"For you Oh Lord are my hope, my trust, oh Lord, from my youth." Psalm 71:5
Our hope is in Jesus and Jesus alone. He is our Lord. He is King now and forever! This truth is the sweetest and most beautiful hope there is. When we lament with our brothers and sisters, we do not do so as those without hope, for He is our refuge and our strength. And yet we lament. When we look apprehensively at the future, we may dread the impact that harsh policies may have on our lives or the lives of those we love. And yet we hope. We hope, because, though He told us to expect trials of many kinds, He also told us that the testing of our faith produces steadfastness (James 1:3). We hope because we know that not even death could hold our Lord, and the resurrection broke forth from the crucifixion! Our community is hoping in Jesus. Will you hope with us?
"But I will hope continually, and I will praise you yet more and more." Psalm 71:14
As the Mission Adelante community walks into this new and uncertain season, we invite you into it with us, to love our neighbor, to show hospitality to people from all places, to pray, to serve and to share life. And most of all, to share Jesus! Will you love people from all places with us?