English language classes: nights of laughter and learning
by Elaine Reimers, Adult Ministry Director
At Mission Adelante, one of our core programs is providing English Language classes. Groups meet for 11 weeks and begin at level 1 and can progress up to level 5 or join English Club to have an informal space to speak conversational English. Towards the end of the trimester, students are tested to make sure they are ready to move on to the next level.
Volunteers often go beyond to help students because of the relationships they have developed over many weeks. Due to a work conflict, a student was struggling to keep up with lessons. The volunteer who had met with him consistently asked if he could meet outside the class to practice English to accommodate his schedule. Over burgers they continued conversations together so the student could continue to make progress in speaking English. Sometimes our volunteers also get to practice Spanish, but not in the classroom! To help our students focus on learning English, it is forbidden to speak Spanish during class. A current volunteer meets his students outside of class to practice English and to allow him to practice Spanish.
One of the few rules for ESL volunteers that I was handed down from my predecessor is “Don't tell your student you won’t be in class if you have to miss.” We have found that students tend to skip class when they know their conversation partner will be absent. It's obvious that students value the open communication, reliability, empathy, and opportunities for vulnerability that develop over the first few classes with their conversation partner. At Mission Adelante, our hope is that the relationships built during class would continue to exist, grow, and thrive long after the student graduates from the program!
There is a LOT of humor when you are learning a new language! On Monday and Thursday nights, Mission Adelante is filled with boisterous laughter during our Latino English Language classes and conversational English Club about the silly parts of the English language that just don’t make sense, or about how something translates (or doesn’t!). For example, an “EXIT ONLY” sign could easily be mistranslated as “SOLAMENTE ÉXITO” which translates literally to “ONLY SUCCESS”. Please tell me which door I need to walk through for THAT! Then, there is the infamous, hilariously awkward moment when a volunteer tries to express embarrassment by saying: “Estoy embarazada” (“I’m pregnant.”) when attempting to say “I am embarrassed.” For someone who is already embarrassed (especially if you’re a dude!), it is a hilarious moment of class laughing together as they are learning. That one will never get old!
There is a huge need for English classes! People often wait in line for 2 hours to register for Level 1 English class because the class cap is 24 people, and there is typically at least 10 people put on the waitlist who have to wait another 4 months for an English class unless a spot opens up during our next trimester. Students pay $40 for the class which includes a workbook that they use each week for practice and a Mission Adelante T-Shirt. We want them to have an investment in the class!
Beyond the laughter and learning, this is what a typical night looks like for students and conversation partners:
Before Class:
After registration, students and conversation volunteers are put in groups in groups with 1 conversation partner for two students and meet together each week for 11 weeks.
During Class:
Students sit in groups with their conversation partners and each have a workbook they are going through. The workbook focuses on how to use action words and vocabulary correctly, such as “to cook” and practicing using the phrase “I am cooking dinner.”
A teacher facilitates the classes from up front each week and leads the students and volunteers in progressing through the workbook together. It is a combination of reading the English words and speaking them out loud.
After Class:
Students must pass a test to advance to each level of English classes. If a student doesn't pass or feel comfortable moving on, they can choose to take level 1 again.
Level 2-5 classes are smaller than Level 1. The same group of students and volunteers often continues to advance together through each level, though this is not required for volunteers or students.
During one of the test days at Mission Adelante, many of the students were somewhat nervous to put the English they had been learning for the past 11 weeks to the test. After wiping the sweat from their brows and turning their tests in to the teachers, the results were in! One of the students did much better on the test than the other four people; however, after the students talked about it, all five students agreed they could use more instruction on understanding how to speak in the past tense and did not feel comfortable moving to level 5 just yet. They decided- “WE STAY TOGETHER!” and moved backwards TOGETHER to the level 3 of a brand new curriculum we were rolling out that focuses on the past tense. Though one of the students could have progressed, the bonds and friendships that are forming between students and volunteers, sharing meals together and lots of laughter is just as important as language proficiency.
In a little less than two weeks, students will take their tests to see if they will progress to the next level of English Language classes. There will be laughter, nervousness and celebration as both students and volunteers progress in cheering each other on. If you’re interested in volunteering or learning more about the Level 1 English Language class, our new volunteer orientation is coming up on Saturday May 17th. We would love to have you join us for these nights of laughter and learning.
Strengthen our work by becoming a monthly partner!
Our work is only possible through the prayerful generosity of our partners. We are working on strengthening our ability to provide programs like English Language classes by inviting people to become monthly partners through our WE initiative. Would you consider being one of the 50 people who begin giving $100/month? You can support our work by giving online: www.missionadelante.org/give