
Four practical ways you can help refugees

Four Practical Ways you can help refugees

by Kristen Maxwell, Associate Director Mission Adelante

About a month ago, our world at Mission Adelante shifted on its axis.  With some of the executive orders implemented, we experienced what felt like an earthquake.  Overnight, programs we had built over the last year crumbled.  This was no fault of our own, but we were left with rubble to clean up.  

Due to the funding and program cuts and freezes the first shock was to acknowledge that employing our refugee services team no longer was viable. We continue to mourn having to let our staff go and grieve the hole they left on our team, in our community and our office. 

We didn’t have much time to mourn, though, because we had to tend to the wounded.  In this situation, the wounded are our clients.  The new land they had just begun to get to know had already changed.  The sherpas, our staff that were guiding them through the mountain pass of their new lives, were gone, and they were left without guides.  We’ve spent the past few weeks helping to reorient them to the new landscape, point them in the right direction, and bandage their wounds.  

We have heard the refrain from our neighbors, loud and clear, “What can we do?” and “We want to help!” and we are so grateful for your support.  Your generous contributions towards the “Love Mercy” campaign allowed us to provide severance for our staff and enabled us to pay for rent and basic needs for refugees as they adjust to life in the US. To date over $110,00 has been given towards the Love Mercy campaign, exceeding our goal by $40,000.

Much like the aftermath of a natural disaster, the aftershocks of these shifts have left us disoriented and wondering about our next steps forward.  The landscape around us has dramatically changed in a short time. As the dust begins to settle, and the aftershocks are getting fewer, we are grateful to see that the core of Mission Adelante is still standing firm. Our mission to love people from all places is unchanged, and we are here to serve, share life, and share Jesus. 

As we continue the cleanup, the best ways you can help are to pray, give, and serve with us.  We ask you to consider how you might join us in one of the following ways: 

Pray: Pray for those we are serving, our staff, and our community. We are grieving the loss of our resettlement staff and program and praying for people to step into volunteering in areas to help with our refugee families.

Give: Financial partners are more crucial now than ever. We are currently seeking to add 50 people to give $100/month to grow our monthly support team to an additional $5,000/month. Your ongoing support allows us to respond to the needs of our neighbors. Would you consider beginning to give or increasing your monthly support?

Come and See: Join us for “Come and See” night next week, and learn how you might join us in loving and serving our refugee neighbors through ongoing relational partnership.

Come and See Next Week!

Your involvement with Mission Adelante is essential to the support of refugees and immigrants in our community. Join us next week, March 3-6th at a Come and See night to learn more!

Serve: Serve at Adelante Thrift.  The more volunteers we have, the more we can sell, and the more money that is made directly supports the work the Lord is doing at Mission Adelante! Spring break is coming up and this is a great way for students to serve locally. Contact Lori at: to sign up.

We know many of you are grieving with us and trying to make a positive difference in our community. Thank you for standing with us to love like Jesus.

The Image of God

The Image of God

by Kristen Maxwell, Refugee Resettlement Director

It’s hard to comprehend the number of displaced people in the world. Right now, there are 43.7 million refugees.  Behind the statistics and images are real people—parents, children, brothers, and sisters—each carrying their stories, struggles, and hopes. And as people of faith, we’re called to remember that every single one of them is made in the image of God.

The Bible tells us in Genesis 1:27 that God made humanity in His image. This isn’t about physical resemblance—it’s about the imprint of God’s likeness on each of us. That truth doesn’t change based on someone’s circumstances, nationality, or immigration status.

When we look into the eyes of a refugee, we’re looking at someone who reflects the heart of God. Their courage to seek safety and a better future echoes God’s desire for justice and abundant life. Jesus himself experienced displacement as a child. When His family fled to Egypt to escape Herod’s violence, He became, in a very real sense, a refugee (Matthew 2:13-15). This shared experience connects us to Him even more deeply as we seek to walk alongside those fleeing danger today.

Last week, in our staff meeting, one of our team members shared how grateful they were that we had the opportunity to pause and acknowledge the image of God in the clients we serve and that we had the opportunity to get to know the person. That often looks like listening to someone’s story, sharing a meal, or simply offering a warm smile. Even small acts of connection can be profound reminders that they are seen, valued, and loved—not just by us, but by God.

In December, we have had the opportunity to welcome 21 individuals fleeing their homes thus far and will welcome 21 more over the rest of the month.  The average case we are receiving has been waiting for resettlement for over 10 years, some much less, but some much more.  One of the most beautiful aspects of welcoming refugees is how it enriches our lives. Refugees bring with them incredible strength, resilience, and cultural beauty. When we take the time to connect, we see that their presence is a gift—not just to them but to us as well.  God’s kingdom is gloriously diverse, and embracing that diversity here on earth gives us a glimpse of what’s to come. Building bridges of understanding and friendship honors the Creator who made us all.

This is our time!

This is our time! Help us build out our new Refugee Welcome Center. Donate here:

One Year of Welcoming Refugees

ONE YEAR OF Welcoming Refugees

by Kristen Maxwell, Refugee Resettlement Director

Let me tell you a story of a remarkable journey—the journey of our first year of Refugee Resettlement at Mission Adelante. If you didn't know, refugee resettlement programs run on the government's fiscal year, meaning we opened our doors to the possibility of welcoming refugees on October 1, 2023. However, we didn't see our first case arrive until the end of January 2024; from January through June, we received a steady flow of cases, with 40 clients over five months. We were just over halfway to meeting our goal of welcoming 75 individuals in the year. We had seen clients from Afghanistan, Eritrea, Sudan, Nicaragua, The Congo, Colombia, Ecuador, and Venezuela.  

Then, we received a call from the Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration (PRM), requesting organizations to increase their numbers to meet the overwhelming need for resettlement. After discussion and prayer, we received permission from our State Refugee Coordinator to increase our resettlement goal for the year to 100 individuals. We welcomed 60 new Americans to Kansas City from early July to mid-September. We began to see our first clients settling in, establishing themselves in our community, calling this new place their home, and turning around to welcome other newcomers.

One thing we didn't account for was how, in our agreement with PRM, they are allowed to send us up to an additional 10% of our designated goal, so we ended up rounding out the year welcoming an additional ten people in the last few days of September, with 9 of them arriving on the very last day of Fiscal Year 2024, wrapping up our year with 110 new Kansas Citians!

When we welcomed our first couple on January 25, 2024, none of us could have predicted the growth our team would undergo. We’ve expanded from 1.5 staff members to 8 full-time team members. This growth is a testament to our dedication and the success of our program, the commitment to welcoming well, and because of the partnership of World Relief and the Kansas Office of Refugees. We now have programs catering to employment, medical, and English needs. Some of our clients and their children have joined in with the other programs hosted by Mission Adelante. We've also witnessed the Church of Kansas City extending the warmest of welcomes to our new friends, and for this, we are incredibly grateful! 

Help Our Refugee Families

Your impact is huge for our refugee families! Currently, we are in need of:

  • Toys that are clean and in good shape for kids under the age of 3

  • Hygiene kits

  • Vacuums

You can also volunteer to help with administrative tasks like creating client files and notebooks and other resources.

For more information on how to be a part of this effort, contact our Reception and Placement Director, Amy Herman, at

Be part of our programs!

 We are so excited for everything that is happening in our programs and we are grateful for all our volunteers who make everything possible. Would you consider partnering with us next trimester?

How can you help?

  • Pray for our program participants would create an impact in our community and grow with their walk with the Lord.

  • Volunteer – Come to our volunteer Orientation. For more information visit:

  • Donate to join us in building a multicultural community of disciples making disciples.

Expecting the Unexpected: Welcoming Refugees with Mission Adelante

Expecting the Unexpected: Welcoming Refugees with Mission Adelante

by Kristen Maxwell, Refugee Resettlement Director

When Jarrett reached out to me about 18 months ago with the idea of opening a resettlement agency at Mission Adelante in partnership with World Relief, I wasn’t sure what to expect.  When we got our first assurances in November of 2023,  I wasn’t sure what to expect.  And when our first arrivals made it to Kansas City in January of 2024, I still wasn’t sure what to expect. We have now welcomed 51 individuals from 23 cases to Kansas City, and I’ve learned to expect the unexpected.  

We have seen many unexpected hard things, from difficulties securing apartments, and first jobs.  Influxes of many cases at the same time, to having a hard time finding interpreters for minority languages.  We’ve had folks who have health problems and clients displaced by an apartment fire.  We’ve walked with folks as they’ve learned that America isn’t always like what they’ve seen in the movies, as they’ve been shaken by cultural changes and had to face past traumas head-on. 

But with the unexpected hard has been the unexpected good. With the addition of KSOR grants came the addition of many new team members.  We have seen relationships and friendships formed with volunteers and community members.  We’ve met some great landlords who want to see new Americans thrive. We’ve seen job placements with a starting wage of around $17 an hour!  We’ve seen hugs and smiles as clients settle in and move on from having intensive needs but come back to pay us a visit or bring us some empanadas. We’ve met new people and extended a warm welcome to 51 people from all OVER the world!  

If I had to summarize my time so far back with Mission Adelante, it would be to expect the unexpected. It’s a wild ride, but it is beautiful. The great news is, that we’ve got plenty of room on this wild ride!  We are looking to add volunteers to our Good Neighbor Teams and English classes.  We are also looking for landlords and employers to grow our networks with. If you would like to come along with us, please reach out! 

Help Our Refugee Families

Your impact is huge for our refugee families! Currently, we are in need of:

  • Toys that are clean and in good shape for kids under the age of 3

  • Hygiene kits

  • Vacuums

You can also volunteer to help with administrative tasks like creating client files and notebooks and other resources.

For more information on how to be a part of this effort, contact our Reception and Placement Director, Amy Herman, at

Be part of our programs!

 We are so excited for everything that is happening in our programs and we are grateful for all our volunteers who make everything possible. Would you consider partnering with us next trimester?

How can you help?

  • Pray for our program participants would create an impact in our community and grow with their walk with the Lord.

  • Volunteer – Come to our volunteer Orientation. For more information visit:

  • Donate to join us in building a multicultural community of disciples making disciples.

New Beginnings in 2024

New Beginnings in 2024: Mission Adelante's Journey into Refugee Resettlement

by Kristen Maxwell, Refugee Resettlement Director

The new year is here, and we are celebrating new things and goals.  As many of you have heard by now, Mission Adelante has been on an adventure, getting ready to do a new thing in 2024.  We are welcoming refugees as a resettlement agency affiliate of World Relief!

I rejoined the staff team in August and was immediately thrown into my new role with a meeting with KSOR (Kansas State Office of Refugees). Throughout the meeting, I felt like a student learning a new language. As a former teacher, I thought educators spoke with a lot of jargon and acronyms; it turns out they have nothing on the field of refugee resettlement.  I spent the whole meeting writing down what I didn’t understand and about an hour afterward looking it all up!  

Here is an example the top is unexplained, and the bottom is better explained:

You can see how and why we use acronyms and understand that our whole staff is learning this new language together.  

We did indeed accept our first batch of assurances on December 18th, meaning we could receive information about our first families traveling in the next few weeks.  When they arrive, we will support them through the R&P (Reception and Placement) Program.  We are very excited about this new journey and would love for you to pray with us.  Also, If you want a new way to serve in 2024, jump on board with us. We promise we will teach you this new language, too!


Join our team of volunteers for the spring trimester and be part of "loving people from all places." Attend our volunteer orientation on January 13th, 2024 and find your place serving kids, youth, or adults in the immigrant community in KCK

For more information about volunteer opportunities visit

Be part of our programs!

 We are so excited for everything that is happening in our programs and we are grateful for all our volunteers who make everything possible. Would you consider partnering with us next trimester?

How can you help?

  • Pray for our program participants would create an impact in our community and grow with their walk with the Lord.

  • Volunteer – Come to our volunteer Orientation. For more information visit:

  • Donate to join us in building a multicultural community of disciples making disciples.

Welcoming Refugees

Welcoming Refugees to a Brighter Future in Kansas City

by Kristen Maxwell, Refugee Resettlement Director

I never thought I would be back writing articles for the Adelante Express, but it is wonderful to share with you today. Since I left Mission Adelante in 2017, I have stayed connected with the refugee and immigrant communities, working with Catholic Charities for about a year and then with the KCK School District for four years as an ESL Teacher. When Jarrett called me with the opportunity to join the work of Mission Adelante again in a new capacity, it didn't take long for me to say yes. I am excited to partner with World Relief as we welcome new Americans to Kansas City. 

A photo from my first trimester with Mission Adelante, March 2010!

The world is facing one of the most significant displacement crises in history. Over 117 million people have been forcibly displaced due to conflict, persecution, and other catastrophes. And with the current conflict in the Middle East, I imagine that number will keep growing. Among the displaced are nearly 29 million people formally identified as refugees by the United Nations High Commissioner of Refugees. The scale of this crisis is mind-boggling. It would be about the equivalent of 20 people leaving everything behind each minute to escape war, persecution, or terror.

A person identified as a refugee has fled their home and country because of "a well-founded fear of persecution due to his/her race, religion, nationality, membership in a particular social group, or political opinion." The United Nations 1951 Refugee Convention set this criteria. The US has a rich history of resettling refugees, as far back as 1948, when the first law explicitly addressing refugee admissions was implemented due to individuals fleeing the aftermath of World War 2.

But sadly, only a fraction of the 29 million people identified as refugees will have the opportunity to rebuild their lives through resettlement. In 2020, less than 1% of the world's recognized refugees were resettled, leaving many languishing in protracted displacement, vulnerable to exploitation and despair. Refugee resettlement is a lifeline for those who have no other options. It's a chance for children to receive an education, for families to access healthcare, and for individuals to regain their dignity and self-sufficiency.

We are excited to expand resettlement in Kansas City and extend a welcome to refugees.  We will join the organizations already doing great work with refugee resettlement in Kansas City, including our long-time partner, Catholic Charities. And on the Missouri side, Della Lamb and Jewish Vocational Services.  

The overarching umbrella of Refugee Resettlement could include many programs as it grows, but we are starting with the Reception and Placement program(R&P). R&P offers newly arrived refugees a structured 90-day period of support as they adapt to life in the United States. This program provides essential services such as securing safe and furnished housing, initial financial assistance for basic needs, access to medical care and vaccinations, cultural orientation, assistance with documentation like Social Security numbers, job placement services, enrollment in English language classes, and connections to community resources. The goal of the R&P program is to empower refugees to rebuild their lives, become self-sufficient, and integrate successfully into their new environment, all within a challenging but crucial 90-day window.

When looking at it through that lens, that is a lot to accomplish in 90 days. I can't imagine arriving in a foreign culture and being expected to work a job by the end of my first 90 days there.  

We have been approved to assist in the resettlement of 75 refugees starting from January to October 2024. 

This is a big undertaking, and we are going to need help in 4 main ways:

  • Pray: We believe that prayer is a significant part of the work that we will be doing. Pray for the families that will be coming, pray for the volunteers that will serve, and pray for the resources that will be needed.

  • Share: Help us to spread the word of the work the Lord is doing. Do you have a church or small group we could share with? Could you share our posts on Social Media? Could you tell a friend? Please help us share about refugee resettlement in Kansas City. 

  • Connect: Welcoming refugees requires a lot of resources: financial, material, and human connections. We are looking for connections in the areas of rental housing, apartment furnishings, and employers who may be interested in hiring clients. If you or someone you know can help in these areas, we would love to hear from you. 

  • Serve:  We will have one-time, ongoing, individual, and group opportunities to serve available.  

If this is something that you are interested in, we invite you to join us.

We will host two events in November to orient potential partners and volunteers to this incredible opportunity. The first event, Tuesday, November 7th, at 9:30 AM, will be geared toward church and community partners. 

The second event, which will take place on Saturday, November 11th at 9:30 AM, will invite people interested in knowing more about what volunteering will look like to come and learn.  

Also, please share this information with your friends, family, and neighbors who may be interested in joining in the work of welcome. 

Click here to RSVP for either of the informational gatherings! 

If you cannot make either of the events and would like additional information, please contact me at


Take a glimpse of what is going on at Mission Adelante and what we are doing in our different programs. This is a great opportunity to have the full experience of a Mission Adelante volunteer.

For more information visit:

Be part of our programs!

 We are so excited for everything that is happening in our programs and we are grateful for all our volunteers who make everything possible. Would you consider partnering with us next trimester?

How can you help?

  • Pray for our program participants would create an impact in our community and grow with their walk with the Lord.

  • Volunteer – Come to our volunteer Orientation. For more information visit:

  • Donate to join us in building a multicultural community of disciples making disciples.