Video Update: We Will Continue to Love Mercy and Do Justice

Dear Friends of Mission Adelante,

On January 21st, the new administration suspended all new arrivals through the refugee resettlement program, canceling travel for scores of people who had “waited their turn” and been thoroughly vetted after fleeing violence in their own countries.  On January 24, 2025, the U.S. government went further and abruptly mandated a suspension of all services within the Reception and Placement (R&P) program for refugees already in the country, ending all federal support for newly arrived refugees.  Having given assurances that this year’s contracts for R&P services would be honored through September 30th, the government made this sudden suspension effective immediately, without warning. Under the R&P program, refugees received support for 90 days with rent, food, transportation, cultural orientation, and other basic needs as they worked quickly toward self-sufficiency.  This sudden suspension of funding and services leaves hundreds of newly arrived refugee families without support for basic needs, such as food and housing. 

Mission Adelante currently has 22 families/cases that are within the initial 90-day period with the R&P program.  The suspension of R&P has immediately removed the funding needed to provide basic services for these precious families and to continue to support the 2+ staff members whose roles were funded through R&P.

Mission Adelante has been serving immigrants and refugees for nearly 20 years, because we believe that the biblical command to “love your neighbor as yourself” has a special expression in the way we welcome and show hospitality to “people from all places”.  We are not alone in our conviction.  Indeed, over the years, thousands of volunteers and donors and dozens of churches, businesses and other organizations have joined us in serving, sharing life, and sharing Jesus with people from all places.  With the support from our partners, we will continue to carry out our mission.  Children and youth from all places will continue to gather in a safe place to learn and grow.  Adults from diverse backgrounds and nationalities will continue to learn English and prepare to become citizens through Mission Adelante.  And the Mission Adelante church community will continue to gather for worship, prayer and to study the Word of God together.  

“He has shown you, oh man, what is good and what the Lord requires of you– to do justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God.” – Micah 6:8

Many of our friends have asked what they can do to help in this challenging time.  To meet the need left by the government’s abrupt suspension of R&P, we are launching the “Love Mercy Initiative”.  Through “Love Mercy” we will endeavor to raise $70,000 to meet the basic needs of newly arrived refugee families over the next 3 months and provide compensation and severance pay for our initial resettlement staff as we wrap up this program.  In the coming days we will be sharing volunteer opportunities and prayer needs.  When the government abandons its commitment to the vulnerable, the church must step in to fill the gap.  


Jarrett Meek, Founder/Pastor/Executive Director

Mission Adelante, Inc.