
From Volunteers to Friends

From Volunteers to Friends

by Jill McDonald- Burger , Refugee ESL volunteer

My husband and I have volunteered with the Refugee ESL program at Mission Adelante for a couple of years now.  We began this journey in support of our daughter, Veronica Garcia, who was following her passions and accepted her dream job as ESL Education Director here.  What began as our passion to support her, became our own passion to connect and share life with new friends from many places.  These new friends are very near and dear to our heart!  Our desire to be a local support system to these new friends has blessed us more than we could ever imagine.  We have often welcomed them in our home, shared meals, helped with car problems, and prayed for each other continually. 

We have watched the students grow in knowledge, confidence, and strength.  We have laughed together so many times, I tear up just thinking about the joy they have brought to my life!  We have also hugged and cried together for a variety of reasons. It is good to have a shoulder to lean on and some words of encouragement when the challenges of life get heavy.

The skills we have acquired by loving people from all places, learning to listen to their stories, and understand their culture, have already been an asset to us in connecting with other people and making new friends. Understanding and respecting our differences is what makes us unique and interesting. This experience will bless us and others for years to come.  Thank you, Mission Adelante, for giving us a place to discover these joyful and wonderful connections!

Help Our Refugee Families

Your impact is huge for our refugee families! Currently, we are in need of:

  • Toys that are clean and in good shape for kids under the age of 3

  • Hygiene kits

  • Vacuums

You can also volunteer to help with administrative tasks like creating client files and notebooks and other resources.

For more information on how to be a part of this effort, contact our Reception and Placement Director, Amy Herman, at

Be part of our programs!

 We are so excited for everything that is happening in our programs and we are grateful for all our volunteers who make everything possible. Would you consider partnering with us next trimester?

How can you help?

  • Pray for our program participants would create an impact in our community and grow with their walk with the Lord.

  • Volunteer – Come to our volunteer Orientation. For more information visit:

  • Donate to join us in building a multicultural community of disciples making disciples.

A Journey of Understanding and the Power of ESL Education

A Journey of Understanding and the Power of ESL Education

Written by Dan Taylor, Partner Engagement Volunteer.

The Bible is full of verses that we study to help us get closer to God. We use them to remind ourselves of who God wants us to be, how to treat each other, and how to live in the world God has provided for us.

One of the ones you’ve probably heard a lot is Matthew 7:1. It says, “Do not judge, so that you will not be judged.” You might have memorized it in the King James version, “Judge not, that you be not judged.”

If you try to “live” this verse, it can look like this- you meet a new person; at work, in your neighborhood, wherever, and you try not to look at their clothes or their car or any of the outside things we can see and judge easily.

And we hope that people will do the same to us. Ideally, we don’t want to be judged at all, but if we are going to be judged, we want it to be the best possible version of us. We want our hair to look right, our clothes to look nice, and we check to make sure there’s no spinach stuck in our teeth.

Those are little things, things that don’t really matter. But one of the ways we judge others quickly and severely is if they sound like they’re, “not from around here.” When someone has an accent, we immediately decide, “foreigner” and all kinds of judgements follow. It’s not fair, it’s not what God said to do in Matthew 7, but it’s really easy and it’s really common.

Sounding different distinguishes a stranger quickly and most of us are not graceful enough to not make some judgments. That’s why learning the local language is so important. Being able to get along, to succeed and even thrive in a new place is why ESL is so important.

My wife and I have worked in various ESL classes over the years and it’s one of the most rewarding things we’ve ever done. To see the “light go on” when someone gets an insight into how to communicate is a wonderful thing to witness. To explain why, “I went to the store” is better than, “I go to the store” is something all of us can do easily, but it means a lot to someone who is diligently trying to make this home.

We’ve made friends through ESL classes, and we’ve seen time and time again that the old saying is true, there’s so much more that unites us than separates us.

People are coming to Adelante literally from all over the world. By doing what God has already told us to do, not judging them, and helping them to be a little less judged, we bless them and receive a blessing as well.

Be part of our programs!

We are so excited for everything that is happening in our programs and we are grateful for all our volunteers who make everything possible. Would you consider partnering with us next trimester?

How can you help?

  • Pray for our program participants would create an impact in our community and grow with their walk with the Lord.

  • Volunteer – Come to our Observation Nights. For more information visit:

  • Donate to join us in building a multicultural community of disciples making disciples.

Sisters in Christ

Sisters in Christ

by Carla Flores, Kids Ministry Director

It is so important to have friends that understand you, see and validate you, and encourage you. I am blessed to have a group of friends here with me at work that do just that. Mikya, Patrique, Veronica, and I have become close friends in the past year. It all began with a very important question, “Did you bring lunch today?” It just so happened that none of us had brought anything and we were starving after our staff huddle. We headed out for burritos at Bonito Michoacan and a friendship was formed. 

These friends understand me when I share about faith, my difficulties as a teacher, and even very personal struggles too. They hear me, validate my feelings, and give the best advice. Patrique pushes me to “step on toes” and be more direct about what makes me uncomfortable. At first, this was difficult for me because I tend to be very passive and just take what I am given. I love how Patrique advocates for herself and those around her and pushed me to do the same. I can say that since I’ve been friends with Patrique, I have grown to learn how to defend myself and push back to create good boundaries for myself. She inspires me to not just accept and settle with the cards that I’ve been dealt but instead shuffle the cards and choose for myself. 

These friends also make me smile and laugh in the face of adversity. Recently, I was overwhelmed with confusion and sadness for changes in family with my parents and siblings. I’ve always had to be the peacemaker in my family and now I had to create boundaries to ensure that my husband, daughter, and I were not dragged into situations that could affect our peace and happiness at home. It was difficult but after sharing with my friends about what happened, it became much more light. We laughed at the silliness of the situation. Veronica is great at helping me see that. She helps me understand that there is laughter and goofiness in serious situations. That things will eventually work out and that in the meantime a smile and a little laughter will help too. Veronica is easy going, funny, and always comes up with the best lunch spots. She inspires me to laugh at life especially in those moments where it can all seem so dark. 

These friends also have the most comforting, encouraging words. As a teacher to so many kids, I can come across some pretty difficult situations. From being behind in math to very serious issues like developing unhealthy coping mechanisms and even abuse. Through it all, Mikya is always there to share an encouraging message. She sees me, the work I do, and the passion I do it with. She also understands that these heavy situations weigh me down and can overwhelm me. She is always there to comfort and motivate me with inspiring words. It can be as simple as a common look shared across the room or a quick thank you. Mikya inspires me to be more helpful and to encourage those around me just as she has done to me. 

Let’s pray: Thank you heavenly Father for the vibrant community you have blessed me with, for friends that make me laugh, push me to grow, and encourage me. Thank you for putting them in my life and giving them a mission and purpose for their life that is similar to mine. I am so grateful I do not have to do this work alone because you have brought amazing friends alongside me. I pray that I can be a great friend to them too, that my ears could fully listen, my mouth would share kindness and compassion, and that You would be drawing us together in a deeper community with one another toward greater unity with you. In Your Son Jesus’ Name, Amen. 

join us for volunteer orientation - January 13th

Join our team of volunteers for the spring trimester and be part of "loving people from all places." Attend our volunteer orientation on January 13th, 2024 and find your place serving kids, youth, or adults in the immigrant community in KCK

For more information about volunteer opportunities visit

Experience the US/Mexico Border Encounter

You are invited to travel with Westside Family Church to the US/Mexico border the first week of April 2024 to raise awareness and learn firsthand what is happening at our border and more about the plight of refugees that come to our country. The purpose of this trip is to listen, learn, ask questions, and consider how God might have you get involved within Kansas City upon returning home.

If you are interested in joining them this Spring, April 3-6, 2024, click here for more info and to sign up: Border Encounter Application ( The deadline to sign up is December 20.)

Be part of our programs!

 We are so excited for everything that is happening in our programs and we are grateful for all our volunteers who make everything possible. Would you consider partnering with us next trimester?

How can you help?

  • Pray for our program participants would create an impact in our community and grow with their walk with the Lord.

  • Volunteer – Come to our volunteer Orientation. For more information visit:

  • Donate to join us in building a multicultural community of disciples making disciples.