Summertime at Mission Adelante — mission adelante

Summertime at Mission Adelante

Summertime at Mission Adelante

by Patrique Harris, Youth Ministry Director

From left to right: Lucy, Anisha, Camilo, Vanessa, Adiella, Julissa and Alana

Summertime at Mission Adelante is a blast! It is the time of year when we invite a special group of budding young leaders from our neighborhood to join our staff as summer interns. The internship is an intensive discipleship and leadership development experience that aims to help young people become passionate followers of Jesus and leaders in our community. This year, Lucy, Anisha, Camilo, Vanessa, Adiella, Julissa, and Alana have committed their summer to serving alongside us at Mission Adelante. Here’s a bit of what we’ve been up to! 

An essential part of the internship is developing close relationships within the group early. What better way to do that than to spend a weekend away together! So, earlier this month, we traveled to Manhattan, Kansas for a weekend of fun and fellowship. Together we worshiped, laughed, played, exercised, made meals, explored the city, tried new sports, shared dreams, and even washed each others’ feet! I am always blown away by how quickly connections can build, regardless of age, gender, background, and even culture. God’s power is demonstrated in the way these interns moved from being acquaintances to friends in just one weekend!

Once we returned from a refreshing weekend away, it was time for the interns to get their hands dirty! The interns have taken on significant leadership responsibilities in Arts Community, Adelante Youth Club, and Kids Adelante under the tutelage of myself; Carla Flores, our Children’s Ministry Director; and Mikya Wright, a former summer intern herself and our new Ministry Apprentice! They are hanging out with kids, teaching Bible lessons, teaching creative classes, and even leading worship!

We have also spent time visiting and serving with other impactful ministries and nonprofits in our neighborhood. We literally got our hands dirty at the New Roots for Refugees’ Juniper Gardens Training Farm. New Roots for Refugees is a collaborative program between Catholic Charities and CultivateKC that provides farm training and market opportunities for refugee families that have settled in our neighborhood. Giving the Basics was also an eye-opening exposure trip for us. Giving the Basics distributes a host of hygiene necessities, often not covered by government assistance programs. We visited the Kansas City Federal Reserve Bank (KC Fed) and toured the Money Museum with Daniel Nguyen, a volunteer in Mission Adelante’s Citizenship class. Daniel shared details about the history of U.S. currency and the importance of the KC Fed in managing the money supply of Kansas, Missouri and neighboring states. We learned a ton about upcycling at ScrapsKC, an organization that is focused on reducing waste in Kansas City with creative reuse while also supporting teachers and the unhoused community. We also paid a visit to our sister organization, Adelante Thrift. Adelante Thrift is located in our neighborhood on 38th St and State Ave and sells gently used clothing, furniture and more. Sales proceeds from the store cover around 25% of our expenses at Mission Adelante.  

This cohort of interns has already added a ton of value to our ministry. Please keep them in your prayers and feel free to send a note to their email ( with words of encouragement! If you feel moved to financially support our internship program and leadership development more broadly at Mission Adelante, consider giving to our summer fundraising campaign, Infinity 2023. Our goal is to raise $60k for the Community Leader Fund by August 6. Check this link for details

JULY 10 -13

Are you interested in taking the next step to volunteer? Take a glimpse of what is going on at Mission Adelante and what we are doing in our different programs.

This is a great opportunity to have the full experience of a Mission Adelante volunteer.

For more information visit:

Be part of our programs!

 We are so excited to start this summer trimester and we are grateful for all our volunteers who make everything possible. Would you consider partnering with us this trimester?

How can you help?

  • Pray for our program participants would create an impact in our community and grow with their walk with the Lord.

  • Volunteer – Come to Observation Nights. For more information visit:

  • Donate to join us in building a multicultural community of disciples making disciples.