A Young Teacher
by Hannah Ouang, ESL Volunteer
Hi 👋 my name is Hannah, and this is my second trimester teaching English at Mission Adelante.
Hannah (left)
Teaching at Mission Adelante is something that I look forward to every Thursday. I love the atmosphere and the supportive Adelante family I have. It is extremely rewarding to help the students out and create a bond with the students that I enjoy so much. The impact that they have had on me is huge, and I hope that I have impacted them as well!
Being one of the youngest teachers at Mission Adelante is fun and super cool. Nobody thinks less about my abilities, and it is such a fun environment with people varying at different ages. I have a student named Eugenia who has an extremely magnetic and fun personality. We are always making each other laugh and the dedication she has to the class is phenomenal. She is always eager to learn and constantly makes me laugh 24/7. Eugenia is one of the many reasons I enjoy coming back every week and I am truly inspired by her hard work and passion.
I strongly believe that younger people should volunteer, even if your Spanish isn’t perfect (mine isn’t either). It shouldn’t be something that is holding you back from joining. It is great to learn about different experiences and stories and also to work with the wonderful people down here at Mission Adelante. I love the family that we have created and I truly enjoy every single second of it.
ESL Level One Class
We are in need of volunteers for our Spring 2023 Trimester. Learn more at our New Volunteer Orientation. Click below to get started!