CCDA Conference Coming to KC in November!
by Jarrett Meek, Director of Mission Adelante
I'm so excited to share this video invitation with you to the Christian Community Development Association's national conference in Kansas City at the downtown Marriott this November 10th-13th! Mission Adelante has been part of this national association for 10 years, and it has honestly been the single most practical and transformational connection we've had. CCDA has played a major role in shaping our understanding of ministry in diverse and under-resourced neighborhoods. For me personally, the annual CCDA conference and the relationships I've built through the association have been some of the most important catalysts for spiritual growth and learning around topics of race, reconciliation, and multicultural ministry. It has been challenging in all the right ways, encouraging when I've needed it most, and inspiring in the sense that it has helped me to envision ministry through the paradigm of a "new we" rather than the old "us serving them" mindset.
While it seems like the national awareness around issues of race and biblical justice has gained prominence recently, CCDA and its founder, Dr. John Perkins, have been leading in this conversation for over 30 years! The national conference brings in some of the most experienced and gifted speakers and authors on these topics and others. What a gift to host it here in Kansas City this year!
Mission Adelante has joined representatives from local ministries like The Hope Center, Made To Flourish, Youth Front, Urban Scholastic Center, Bethel Neighborhood Center, and others to help host the conference this year. Because an email just doesn't capture what CCDA represents, we have created a 3 minute invitation video to give you a glimpse of the scope and a taste of the flavor of the conference. We believe there will be tremendous benefit for you, as a partner of Mission Adelante, to attend the conference with us this year while it's in Kansas City!
There are three ways you and members of your church/organization can be involved:
Register and find more information about the conference at
Volunteer at the conference (Volunteers will receive a special discount)
Spread the word!
Please let me know if you have questions about the conference, or if you would like to know more about mobilizing volunteers from your church to serve at the conference. We're excited to share in this experience together!
Ashley with the summer interns