Ready to Return!

Ready to Return!

By Cheryl McMorris, ESL Class Volunteer


The first record I can find in my email indicates that I started teaching English as Second Language Classes (ESL) at Mission Adelante in 2015. I learned about the teaching opportunity from someone at my church, and over the past 5 years, I have taught in all five levels of ESL.



The last couple rounds I took a break in between trimesters but I always missed it and was ready to come back to the weekly commitment when the trimester break is over. During my most recent break I tried out volunteering with my husband in the citizenship class for a couple trimesters. It was a wonderful experience, but I am ready to come back to ESL.


Being able to spend two hours a week with the same group of students over a year and a half, really allows relationships to form. We get to learn about each other's families and life experiences, creating bonds that sometimes last of many years. In fact, I still keep in touch with a student from the very first class I volunteered in as well as some others after that. Not only do I enjoy the teaching aspect of volunteering in ESL, but it's the relationships that keep me coming back!
