Written by Alex Ruybalid, Partner Engagement Director
“Immigrants are about twice as likely as native-born citizens to start new businesses” - Kauffman Foundation, 2015
Just looking out your window driving down State or Central Avenue makes this statistic ever more clear. But don’t let the explosion of business and community in this county fool you - the road to starting a business is not easy. The most common hurdles facing immigrant entrepreneurs in Wyandotte County are the language barriers, and, subsequently, the lack of awareness of resources.
Small Business Workshop
On a cold Monday night in January, 110 individuals and four unique language translators huddled into the basement of the Bethany Community Center to take the first steps towards overcoming these hurdles. Led by Gabe Munoz of Forward Cities, the Small Business Workshop featured a talk on securing local grants, talks from local funding agencies, entrepreneur-aid, and other networking groups. Shoulder-to-shoulder, aspiring business creators (90% of which had not previously met for any outside help in starting their business) took the first steps towards making their dream into a reality.
“I never thought about running my own business before because I felt it was something unattainable for someone like me. I don't come from money, my parents are not college graduates..” said Liley Villazan, the driven entrepreneur. “My plan is to open a manicuring, esthetics, and cosmetology school. It will be a stepping stone for new beauty industry business owners.“
90% of attendees had not previously met for any outside help in starting their business.
The initiative in Wyandotte County has put their wheels to the ground to support and guide Wyandotte entrepreneurs such as Liley. Besides these workshop events, Gabe also hosts open hours at Central Library to work one-on-one with aspiring business owners and act as the critical bridge between them and the massive support network for entrepreneurs in Kansas City.
Over the last several years, Mission Adelante has been investigating ways we can help fan the flame of immigrant entrepreneurship. Now is the time! We’ve locked arms with Forward Cities and a handful of other local organizations and businesses to create an entrepreneurial ecosystem in our community that will help encourage and equip minority business owners to flourish in our growing local economy.
“Entrepreneurship shouldn’t be harder based on your skin color, your zip code, or who your parents are – but the truth is that it is.” - Kauffman Foundation, Breaking Down Barriers Report
Forward Cities Entrepreneurship Planning Meeting
Over cups of coffee in our chapel the past several months, the recurring theme in our workshop planning conversation is how important it is for resources to be available to immigrants in a language they can understand, and for the support to be individualized, consistent, and here for the long-haul. We are looking to the past to see what works, what does not, and how we can go from talking about helping people start businesses - to actually doing it.
That is where change happens.
Businesses represent a future, represent hope, and represent a thriving Central Avenue, State Avenue, and beyond. Entrepreneurship represents dreams, aspirations, and hard work. Immigrant and marginalized entrepreneurs are cut from this cloth, and make up the most beautiful parts of this Kansas City mosaic. We are excited to continue to partner with Gabe and Forward Cities to continue to grow these initiatives to support our neighbors and friends!
“Now I feel like being a business owner is something I can do… My children seeing me accomplishing my dream with ESHIP and Gabe’s help is changing the way my children see themselves vs the way I saw myself when I was their age. Having ESHIP and Gabe is going to change this community’s mindset completely.”
Want to see a Forward Cities event in action, or do you know an entrepreneur that needs to be there? Learn more here - https://www.facebook.com/events/2988023724552486/