The Fruit Doesn't Fall Far from the Tree


Written by Megan McDermott, Director of Latino Kids Ministries

Which fruit of the spirit is the most challenging for you? Is it love? Joy? Peace? Patience? In Leaders in Training, we have been studying Galatians chapter 5 to pursue what the character of Jesus really looks like and how we can be more like Him.

Each week, we spend time discussing what each fruit is, the definition, examples from the Bible, and how we can have an “action step” to apply the lesson to our own lives. As we discussed kindness, the kids struggled quite a bit. Our definition of kindness was specifically choosing to do something nice for someone when you don’t have to. We talked about how kindness doesn’t just apply to those we love, it applies even to those that are difficult for us to love.

The action step I gave them for the week was to think of the person in their lives that was the most challenging to love and do something for them that takes at least ten minutes. Many of the kids chose to make a meal for that person. One girl decided that her action step would be to help a bully when she was struggling with her math. Another child sat down with her baby sister and read to her. 

I really believe that the most important thing we can do is teach the kids who Jesus really is. My hope is that as they come to know Jesus in a deeper way, He will shine out from them, transforming our community one child at a time.

LIT kids learning about the character of Jesus through arts and activities.



  • Mission Adelante and Adelante Thrift, in partnership with Samaritan's Feet, will be hosting a community event on Saturday, May 5th to inspire hope through the gift of shoes, the act of washing feet, and words of encouragement. We need 40+ volunteers who are willing to serve by washing feet and helping distribute shoes. If you or your small group is interested in volunteering, please email Elena at
  • We will be hosting a New Volunteer Orientation on Saturday, May 19, 2018 from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm. If you are interested in volunteering with kids programs, arts and music, or adult ESL, this is a great opportunity to jump in for our summer trimester (May 29th - August 2nd). Check out to learn more about our programs and to fill out an interest form.