A few of the Art Camp participants showing off the instruments that they made.
Written by Megan McDermott, Latino Kids & Youth Director
When you hear the verse, “...fearfully and wonderfully made,” what images do you see? In The Message, this verse is translated as, “How you made me is amazing and wonderful.” Oftentimes, we forget that God’s perfect creation included us, created in His image, created wonderfully!
This summer, in lieu of our typical outdoor VBS camps, we decided to embark on a new adventure to explore, through the Arts, how God might desire to open up opportunities to the children in our community. Our good friend, Sara Forsythe from Christ Community Church, approached us with the idea to offer the kids classes in art, music, dance, storytelling, drumming, guitar, piano, singing, and drawing.
Over the course of a week, we explored the various modalities of the Arts and weaved in spiritual elements to help the kids connect with the truth that they are created in the image of God. We saw timid children blossom as they realized a newfound talent in an area previously unknown to them. We praised God together, thanking Him for making each of us in such special ways.
Our hope is that, as the kids continue to grow in their faith, they would hold tight to the truth that they are special and that they are each uniquely gifted to add beauty to their community! Enjoy the pictures of some of the activities the kids did during Art Camp at Mission Adelante.