Moving from customer service to friendship...

Written by Elena Mamadnazarova, Community Development Director

Adelante Thrift is more than just a retail store, it is a ministry.  We believe that God's call to love our neighbor is at the heart of all of His commands and finds a special expression in the way that we extend hospitality, compassion, and friendship.  When we opened Adelante Thrift we wanted it to be more than just a place to shop, we wanted Adelante Thrift to be a place where the customer is treated like a friend.  

Mary is an Adelante Thrift customer who became our friend.  Mary had been coming to Adelante Thrift regularly as a customer to find bargains.  Last August Mary came to the store to shop and one of our Adelante Thrift staff members Molly asked “How are you doing today?” Mary responded “I am not doing that well.”  Molly took the time to stop what she was doing and talk with Mary about her response.  She learned that Mary had come straight from the doctor’s office where she was receiving treatment for cancer. After listening to her story, Molly asked Mary if she could pray with her. That connected Mary and Molly in such a deep way.  After that time, Mary would come to the store and share updates about her health with Molly. Molly shared Mary's story with the rest of the staff at Adelante Thrift and with a few close friends in the community, so that others could join in praying for Mary. In December, after multiple treatments and visits to the doctors, Mary came to the store to share the news that her cancer was in remission.  It was a great moment of celebrating Mary’s life. Thank you Mary for allowing us to be your friend, trusting God, and sharing your life with us.

Mary’s story is just one of the many stories that Adelante Thrift staff encounter daily. People come to the store to shop but sometimes they are looking for someone to talk to you, someone to listen to them, someone to be their friend. Through these interactions our staff at Adelante Thrift can make a difference in the life of the customer, sometimes they can make a new friend. 

Current Needs:

  • Summer Serve with Thrift: Summer is a perfect time to serve with your group.  Adelante Thrift would love to get you and your group engaged.  It's a great opportunity for volunteers of all ages.  Sign up at
  • Host A Garage Sale Donation Drive:  It's neighborhood garage sale season!  Gather the "garage sale leftovers" from your neighborhood and donate them to Adelante Thrift. 3720 State Ave. Kansas City, KS 66102. Donations accepted Monday - Saturday, 10 am to 5 pm.