Written by Jenny Dunn, Bhutanese ESL Coordinator
Sunday afternoon our Bhutanese ESL team was privileged to meet with a number of volunteers to discuss and consider our Bhutanese friends’ religion and culture. We seek to understand their context in order to relate to, and love, them better. As we looked at the information, we asked ourselves, "How can we reflect some of our friends' innate values, so they can see Jesus more clearly in us?" Ideas included humility, generosity, hospitality, renunciation, and reverence for God and men. We got a taste of the reverent and sensory aspects of our Bhutanese friends' culture by lighting a candle and incense while we prayed. Much like some religion offer up incense, we offered up our prayers to God that Jesus would become the Light of life to our friends.
At Mission Adelante, we place a high value on interdependent relationships and are so encouraged by our dedicated volunteers, who value it as well. They asked many questions and shared many experiences. Pray with us that as we continue to learn together, God will use our attempt to understand culture as a way to display Jesus’ love to our friends.
In other news:
Important dates:
In other news:
- The Latino LIT kids had a blast last weekend on their overnight trip to the Omaha Zoo, including fun adventures with bats and a gorilla! It was a great reward trip for the hard-working students!
- The Latino Teens Outreach is planning a cookout to end the trimester. We are looking forward to good food and family fun!
- The entire volunteer team for our Latino Kid’s Outreach is getting together to celebrate an awesome trimester with some fun and fellowship at Megan’s house this weekend.
Prayer needs:
- Please pray for the the Bhutanese and Latino Outreaches as we are planning our trimester parties during the next two weeks.
Current needs:
- A family has requested a twin bed (mattress, box springs, and frame) through our resource center. If you have one to donate, please contact Molly at mollym@missionadelante.org.
- Bhutanese Spring Party: Saturday, April 12, 5:00-8:00 at First Baptist Church, 2900 Minnesota Avenue, Kansas City, KS 66102. Please come and help us celebrate the accomplishments of our ESL, Teens, Kids Adelante, and L.I.T. students this trimester and honor volunteers with sustained service.
- Latino Spring Party: Saturday, April 13, 5:00-8:00 at Bethany Community Center. Please come and help us celebrate the accomplishments of our ESL, Teens, Kids Adelante, and L.I.T. students this trimester and honor volunteers with sustained service. Bethany Community Center is located on Central Avenue in Kansas City, Kansas (66102) between 11th and 12th Streets, behind the fire station.