Yanelis López-Our Associate Director

Yanelis López-Our Associate Director

by Jarrett Meek, Director of Mission Adelante

When I first visited Cuba in April 2010, how could I have known that the Lord would change the trajectory of Mission Adelante and our ministry through the people I would meet on that trip? That’s the amazing providence of God working in mysterious ways, arranging divine appointments, and working out His perfect will as imperfect individuals make every-day decisions. The truth is, the decision to participate in a youth retreat in Cuba wasn’t an every-day decision- it was consequential in many ways and very clearly guided by the not-so-subtle voice of God. Even so, who would have predicted the fruit the Lord would produce?

Now, 12 years later, Yanelis López, the young woman who was leading that retreat in Cuba, is our new Associate Director, providing leadership for all the internal programming and operations at Mission Adelante. Yane’s leadership is understated and very relational, demonstrating a humility that avoids the lime-light, while moving forward with the strength of a quiet river whose current is deep and formidable. Over the years, I’ve learned to trust Yane’s acute relational perception, her ability to develop healthy teams, and her knack for bringing out the best in those she leads.

At Mission Adelante, we love to tell hero stories about people from all places. The fact is, our community is being transformed every day by immigrants and refugees. Yane’s story is one more example of the tremendous impact God is producing through people whose journey to our neighborhood began in another country. Please join us in congratulating Yanelis on her new role and praying that God would continue to use her gifts and service for His glory at Mission Adelante!