by Jarrett Meek, Pastor/Executive Director
What is at the nexus of discipleship, community development, partnership, health and wellness, and the diverse cultures of the Mission Adelante neighborhood? There’s only one answer: The Dream KCK 5K Run/Walk! Since last fall we’ve been dreaming of this race and working together with our partners from the Second Wind Foundation to put together a 5K event that would highlight the beautiful diversity of our KCK neighborhood.
Fabric of the Community
As Mission Adelante matures, we’re becoming more and more part of the fabric of our community. From partnerships with local schools, businesses, and other non-profits, to collaboration on projects sponsored by the Wyandotte County/KCK Unified Government, we are excited to be contributing to the common good of our neighborhood. Dream KCK is the result of our partnership with The Central Avenue Betterment Association (CABA) and the Latino Arts Festival in our community and with the Second Wind Foundation, which works in Honduras. The 5K event will be held on the same day and in conjunction with CABA’s Central Avenue Dotteversity Parade and the Latino Arts Festival. Participants will get a real taste of authentic KCK culture from all places, including music and food.
Health Outcomes and Fitness
Unfortunately, Wyandotte County is consistently at the bottom of the list in Kansas in terms of health outcomes. Can Mission Adelante play a part in improving our health and wellness culture? The need is there, and we’re hoping that Dream KCK will contribute to the work that is being done by other organizations in our community to promote health and wellness. Organizations like El Centro, Inc. and Mercy and Truth Medical Missions help neighbors navigate the healthcare system in our city or directly address medical needs. But what about exercise? Mission Adelante is hoping that Dream KCK will be a spark that motivates members of our community to pursue a lifestyle that includes fitness and exercise.
Highlighting Our Diversity
There aren’t many counties in the nation that can boast of the kind of diverse demographics that Wyandotte County has. One distinction that sets our county apart is that we have no ethnic majority and the top three demographics each represent over 25% of the population. White residents represent 42%, Hispanic residents 28%, and African American residents compose 25% of our population. Additionally, in recent years, Wyandotte County has welcomed refugees from many countries including Bhutan, Nepal, Myanmar, Congo, Iran, Iraq, Syria, Somalia, and others. Mission Adelante celebrates what each culture has to offer, affirming that God’s image is reflected uniquely and beautifully in diverse human cultures. The Dream KCK 5K Run/Walk, through our partnerships with the Central Avenue Dotteversity Parade and the Latino Arts Festival, highlights the cultural diversity of our community and brings runners in touch with the heart of our city.
Second Wind Foundation
We are excited about and thankful for our partnership with the Second Wind Foundation. Their work in Honduras that includes meeting medical needs, spiritual formation, and job creation aligns in many ways with the heart of Mission Adelante. Their participation and expertise in organizing Dream KCK has made this exciting event possible.
We invite you to join us on September 7, 2019 for a fun race and a unique event. Your registration fee and any additional donations will go to support Mission Adelante and/or Second Wind.